05 July 2009

The things children say

We met up with some friends and their lovely 3 month old daughter for coffee and cake today at a local garden centre. The little one was feeling a little crabby today so there was a bit of a lung workout when we got there. There was no comforting the poor little thing, she was inconsolable.
Amidst the tears, a little voice pipped up,

Munchkin: Don't like that noise! Don't like it.
Mummy: It's fine...she will be ok in a minute
Munchkin: Get it
Mummy: Get what?
Munchkin: Da ear defenders. At home. Clamps hands over ears in a very dramatic fashion

Later in the evening, during his bath, Munchkin proceeded to do some pretty interesting things with certain part of his anatomy which would, bring tears to the eyes of a grown man

Daddy: What are you doing?
Munchkin: Pullin' it
Mummy: What are you pulling?
Munchkin: (giggling) Weee weeee (thrusts hips in a suggestive fashion)
Mummy: I don't think you should, what do you think it is?
Munchkin: Tee hee hee is a Hose Pipe.
(Parents collapsed on the floor beside themselves)

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