27 February 2008

Daddy Day Care

Today is a momentus day. For the first time, EVER, Munchkin is home with Daddy. Boyz in the hood.

I have had to stop myself from ringing up but the only phonecalls I have made today have been great. All laughs and giggles in the background from Munchkin and a very contented sounding T. Apart from the "He has refused to eat all his breakfast" conundrum, to which the answer is "He'll just eat more lunch to make up for it then" answer, all is calm.

For now......
And so it was....one blissful Munchkin and one happy Daddy. Another milestone achieved.Phew!

24 February 2008

By popular demand.....

Here is Munchkin sporting his new look.
And if you don't like it, tough! It is here to stay. T has obviously missed his life's true calling (though he wouldn't agree). We have had requests for him to apply his magical touch to quite a few of Munchkin's mates. Hmm, an opportunity not to be discounted!

21 February 2008

Rapunzel no more

As can be observed, Munchkin was born blessed with a mop of hair. Even the midwife commented on his crowning glory. Since his arrival, we have had many remarks about his Munchkin mane.

Alas, tis no more. Munchkin has been getting very irrirtated with his hair so T decided that it was time to introduce Munchkin (and his locks) to the hair clippers. After obtaining a second opinion consult with my lovely hairdresser, we decided to proceed.

Munchkin dutifully sat in his highchair while he was tented over with a big plastic cape. The clippers came on and we expected tears but he just sat there, concentrating hard, contemplating his fate. And 5 minutes later, he was shorn. I couldn't believe the transformation from baby Munchkin to Little Munchkin boy. I had to hold back tears.

Mary Poppins loves Munchkin's new look and now calls him her posh little boy!

12 February 2008

The Newmarket Fountain

Munchkin IS the Newmarket fountain. The fountain mainly occurs in the bath. His irresponsible parents then have a debate about it being sterile and therefore continue to bathe him as if nothing has happened. Perhaps we could try throwing coins in and making a wish next time. It may come true. You never know.....showers of blessing and all that.

10 February 2008

Laughter, the best medicine

It is moments like this that make life's little niggles seem insignificant. Suddenly, you know that everything is going to be alright! Enough said.

Songs at bathtime

My boys have a bathtime ritual. Munchkin sings along to Daddy's choice of song for the evening whilst the former is being cleaned and spruced ready for bedtime. The song choice is extensive ranging from the very traditional like "Twinkle, twinkle little (mon)star" to some strange dance tunes which require big fish, little fish, cardboard box actions. Last night's choice however was a little more....well, I will leave you to make your own mind up. It went (to the tune ot 10 green bottles):

Ten green duckies, swimming in the pond,
Ten green duckies, swimming in the pond,
And if one green duckie, should accidently get shot....and DIE
There'll be nine green duckies, swimming in the pond.

As the countdown continued, the duckies were eliminated as follows:

And if one green duckie, accidently gets strangled by fishing line....and DIE
And if two green duckies came out as gay and flew off together to make home

It was all concluded with

And if one green duckie, got infected with H5N1 Avian flu....and DIED....there will be no green duckies swimming in the pond.

Alternative.....and it gets the job done...for now anyway. Wonder what the juke box selection will be tonight?

08 February 2008

The creature from the deep

Munchkin has excelled himself. Last night after a nice conversation with his Ah ee, Ah Mah and Ah Kong on the 'tinternet" Munchkin went for a bath. He chuckled away happily while his teeth were cleaned and his clothes were whipped off.

As he sunk into the bath water, a serious look of concentration came over his little face. He stared into the distance for a little while then started chuckling again. Dark shadows emerged at the bottom of the bath. No, it was not a bath duck or a little submarine....it was a creature from the deep...the deepest depths of Munchkin that is!

Munchkin was whipped out of the bath in a flash, T was summoned to watch for the birth of more creatures and I quickly disinfected all that had been touched by the creature. The creature was contained in a suitable vessel ready for disposal. Munchkin continued to sing.

05 February 2008

A scene from the exorcist

On Friday, we settled down to tea after a nice afternoon with Munchkin's mates. Munchkin duly ate his tea (which was purple...his Ah Mah will be proud) and washed it all down with some strawberry and apple puree for pudding.

All this (quite a large quantitiy for a little Munchkin) reappeared in reconstituted form. I mean, we might live in the Green belt of Gloucestershire but this pushes the limits of recycle. Picture this, happy Munchkin in high chair (restrained, of course as we are evil parents) pulls a strange expression, writhes about a little then little Munchkin mouth opens and out it all comes like the Hoover Dam had just burst. It was as if someone had opened the emergency stop valve. It came and it came and it came. Munchkin was unruffled and carried on laughing and chatting afterwards.

We had a repeat performance on Saturday. Concerned, we rang the powers that be. T was describing the symptoms to the nice nursey on the other end of the phone when Munchkin decides to sing....nananana, lalalalala, da da dee! "Just keep a close eye on him" said nice nursey, "although I don't think there is anything at all wrong with that child" she concluded as he continued to sing away in the way that only a Munchkin can. That was the last of it. His head did not spin round and he did not proceed to levitate to the ceiling whilst doing more spewing. I guess we have that to look forward to when he hits the terrible 2's!