30 October 2009

O Hallow's Eve

when witches prowl
and Jack O'Lanterns glow and growl

And little imps and goblins creep

and munchkins giggle
laugh and squeak!

26 October 2009

Time to say goodbye

To a man, who these many months has provided us all with a lesson in how to be brave, how to fight and never give up and how to remain strong in the face of the unthinkable.

As he sleeps forever now, we smile and celebrate the life filled with the wealth of a loving family, the richness of friends who care and the abundance of spirit.

Here's to you and the good fight and yes, we will see you again.

23 October 2009

One little jab in the arm

One WHOLE week of weirdness.

Well, on Saturday a week ago, I strolled into the place with nice nursies to subject myself, voluntarily to a nasty needle. At least I thought I would be inflicted with A nasty needle. In fact, I had to endure 2 nasty needles from the nice nursey who, did let me have 2 plasters to prove a point.

Anyway, when I got home I started feeling a littl strange (even more than normal). By mid afteroon, I had to go to bed for an hour. During the night, I started to get a dull ache in my arm. On waking on Sunday morning, I discovered I had what looked like 2 lashes across my upper arm where the pneumonia needle kissed me. By midweek, the lashes had turned to welts. By Wednesday, I had one mother of all red rashes which was painful and warm to the touch. Hmm, I decided to speak to nice nursey at work who said that I would feel poo for a while and that some drugs of the legal kind would help.

Off home i traipsed after being at work for a couple of hours and horizontal I stayed for 4 hours or so.

What a week. Today the rash is the size of a £2 piece and fortunately, no longer painful. I can actually lift my arm again.

Just goes to sow what 20 strains of pneumonia at one shot can do to you.......

18 October 2009


when you love someone...you just have to let them go.

A very wise woman told me this recently and it rings true in so many ways. Love is a strange sentiment. It is gentle and kind but it is also all consuming and protective. It can be fierce, it can be angry and it can make you say things that you don't mean. It is those we love most that bear the brunt of all this, as they also enjoy the good times when love manifests itself as tender, affectionate and patient.

I am reminded that love is in all of us. I am reminded that love is the greatest of all feelings yet it can be the cruelest too. I am aware that love can bring people closer together but I am also aware that love, at its worst can push people apart.

But, all that being said. Love is all conquering. I believe this. I hold on to this and I concede that truly, as that wise woman said, sometimes love is not just not having to say you're sorry, but love is also about letting go. I find this difficult but I know I must as if I don't, I will loose something very dear to me, something that all the riches in the world can't buy, something I hold precious. So let go I must, with a prayer in my heart that, if it is not too late, love will heal and all will be well again.

11 October 2009

Flex those muscles.....

facial ones that is......Munchkin has been having a facial workout. He discovered the new expression today.

Ok, so Mummy can't remember which way to hold the video cam but it makes rather amusing viewing. The expressions make me laugh anyway. See what you think....

08 October 2009

More Munchkinisms

Munchkin: Daddy you Prickle - lee
Daddy: Am I?
Munchkin: (y)es. Shave yourself!

Munchkin: Postman Pat, Postman Pat
Mummy: And his black and white cat.......
Munchkin: No. Don't interrupt me Mummy, I singing.
Mummy: (MEEP!) Sorry darling.
Munchkin: Say 'scuse me next time. D0n't do it again.