25 April 2009

Fiesta in the village!

What was supposed to be a day of rain, grey clouds and stong winds has turned into a beautiful,sunny spring day. And a good day for the local village festival. (note the matching squinting - it was "Sunny Day Mummy! Bright! 'urt eyes!"

As part of the festivities, the local emergency and rescue services were showing off their vehicles. Munchkin was made up. He got to ride in a police car and the nice police man even got him to press all the buttons to make the flashing lights come on.
T is seen here grinning nervously as the Munchkin managed to activate the windscreen wipers causing the leaflets held on to "Flap, flap, flap" which was of course, much more amusing.
We also watched some street dancing and a "Tall man mummy" (a man on stilts), some clowns and some mime artists.
A nice morning was had by all!

24 April 2009

Ask and it shall be given unto you,

Seek and you shall find....

How true those words ring today. My only hope is that we will continue to bathe in showers of blessing, to feel the warmth of the gift of love and to look into the dawn that is hope.

18 April 2009

Who needs a chocolate egg when you can have a....

Munchkin and his mini called George!

The many faces of Munchkin

Contented - I have just had mummy's toast and scrambled eggs and the crispy bits off daddy's bacon sarnie.

Thoughtful - which should I have first, my babycino, scrambled eggs, toast or crispy bacon?
Oh the choices!

I am just cool....too cool for words.

Please parents, can I have some MORE food? Anything will do. See? I will smile for it.
P/S Sorry Ah Ma, Ah Khong and Ah Ee, my very busy and uninspired mummy has not blogged for a while. I am sure she has done this just to avoid the MAJOR nag she might have got when we speak to you tomorrow.

05 April 2009

This month we are mainly trying to....

sing. This is Munchkin's new favourite activity. Singing...is perhaps a loose way of describing it but I leave you to decide for yourselves (ignore the tuneless idiot in the background)

And another for good luck

Hmm..not quite a choirboy..but his full repertoire makes interesting listening. For instance,

Baa Baa B(l)ack Sh!t havver any Wooooooool? No mummy....all gone!

Dingle Balls, Dingle Balls, Dingle balls awayyyyyy!!!

Perhaps I should write all these down and publish a collection of alternative lyrics for these childhood tunes....in Munch-speak. Now there is a thought. Hmmmm.....

03 April 2009

Amazing Grace

A special day bringing with it blessings abundant and a response to a long standing prayer.

So, through the fog that is enveloping us this morning, the sun will shine through.

02 April 2009

The best laid plans.....

We have been very organised this year. Knowing that it would be Poppins' big day on April 1st. So we wandered out on Saturday and got her a lovely card with lots of pretty little cupcakes on the front....just like the ones she helps Munchkin make on special occasions. We also happen to know that Poppins' has a very big weakness for chock-lyt so we popped a big box of chock-lyt in the bag too.

Come P-Day....disaster. I forget to pop the Poppins' present in the car and we arrive at Poppins' sans present and full of apologies. As a last ditch, I suggest to Mr Poppins' that perhaps a person as lovely as Poppins' requires 2 birthdays like the queen. Mr Poppins' then went to fetch the birthday Poppins'

I popped Munchie on my knee and started to get his coat and hat off while telling him what a special day it was and that he should be especially nice to Poppins on her special day.

Mr Poppins' appeared round the corner and declared "Here she is!" as Poppins' popped her head round the door. Munchkin looked up at her, bounced a'la Tigger on my lap and declared, with a big grin "(H)appy Buff-day Cher!"

Tears and cuddles all round. Another Magic Munchkin Moment!

P/S We were also treated to a rendition of (h)appy buff-day to yeouwwwww! all the way home!