25 April 2009

Fiesta in the village!

What was supposed to be a day of rain, grey clouds and stong winds has turned into a beautiful,sunny spring day. And a good day for the local village festival. (note the matching squinting - it was "Sunny Day Mummy! Bright! 'urt eyes!"

As part of the festivities, the local emergency and rescue services were showing off their vehicles. Munchkin was made up. He got to ride in a police car and the nice police man even got him to press all the buttons to make the flashing lights come on.
T is seen here grinning nervously as the Munchkin managed to activate the windscreen wipers causing the leaflets held on to "Flap, flap, flap" which was of course, much more amusing.
We also watched some street dancing and a "Tall man mummy" (a man on stilts), some clowns and some mime artists.
A nice morning was had by all!

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