30 November 2007

Another test from T

Another first for wickett world. It seems to work but I don't know what it's like with low bandwidth. Perhaps someone can let us know.

Bye for now


ps. play it once and let it buffer then play it again without the pauses.

28 November 2007

All in an afternoon's work

Munchkin here. Today mummy took me to see the Health Visitor. I guess if she visits health then she is probably quite glad that my chums and I (with our mummies) go to visit her as it must be quite a drag having to visit the same person all the time.

We arrived at the clinic after my lunch which today was a yummy sweet potato, squash (red kabacha) and broccoli. I am not too sure about brocolli it looks like funny little green worms and makes me look very silly when it is artistically smeared over my face (my artistic side showing). I much prefer the healthy orange glow carrot or sweet potato or squash give me. Rather like a St Tropez spray on tan with a twist (of orange). People pay good money for that mummy says.

Anyway, J and his mummy were there so we had a chat. Basically the mummies told us boys how clever and lovely we are. Too right! Anyway, it was soon our turn and there was a new lady with the Health Visitor. She is PRETTY and YOUNG. Daddy would like her. And she was wearing a nursey's uniform. I decided I would just look at her as she is very easy on the eye. Then the Health Visitor washed her hands and tried to get in my mouth. Excuse me....see these lips? They are shut. Which means "Keep Out". She tried again. So I was forced to resort to extreme measures PQT (Pout, Quiver, Tears).

Mummy then added to my humiliation by stripping me down to skin and then they "popped" me into a big cold basin. There was nothing "pop" about it. They left me there and talked amongst themselves about Cents and Tiles. I don't care how many cents a tile is....I just want my clothes back on and I want a cuddle and I want to go HOME, NOW!

They soon got the message. PQT was executed and was instantaneously successful. It has been a hard day. I am going to sleep now. Beauty sleep don't you know. It isn't easy being a Munchkin. By the way, I now have TWO teeth. The second one must have been scared to the surface by the trauma of this afternoon. Hurumphhh!

This one is for you, Mama!

Photo curtesy of GUR (master photographer and dishwasher)
My Mama can nag, in the nicest possible way. It used to be the standing joke that her sole purpose for ringing me was to nag me to take vitamin tablets (which incidently has reminded me that I have forgotten to take this morning). Since the dawn of Munchkin she has been ringing every day...not to nag but to speak to the little monster. The conversations they have are quite interesting. Mama speaks to Munchkin in Hokkien and in English....in the same sentence. No wonder the boy looks confused. But he chatters away back at the phone and he laughs sometimes (I would laugh at some of the things Mama says too if I thought I would get away with it...Munchkin does...I don't fancy my chances!)
Mama has also requested many photos of Munchkin. Mama's idea Christmas present would be a calender with a picture (life size) of Munchkin peering at her every month. My parent's house in Malaysia is now adorned with Munchkin snaps. I have on good authority that there is a picture in the living room, one in the kitchen, several dotted in other rooms in the house. If they could, they would wall paper the house with Munchkin pictures....like an homage to Munchkin in the form of a very large collage! The one picture they have not got though (I keep getting reminded!) is one of me and my Munchkin. So, Mama..this one is for you!
P/S Yes, ma. We will try and get a photo taken of all 3 of us for you soon. Oh! Did you want one with the cats in it as well?

27 November 2007

Lovely babes all in a row

Here they are. Munchkin and his little friends. I wonder if we could get them to pose for a picture every year. Just so that we can see how they have grown. Munchkin is being a good boy there and looking straight at the camera. I think he was rather taken by the pretty lady that took the photo as he always has big smiles for the other mummies. We have started calling our weekly get togethers Duvet days. What you can't see in the picture is 4 mummies shaking toys and pulling silly faces in an attempt to make the babes smile (well, to avoid howling, screaming episodes). Also the photographer was balanced on a small wooden stool.
Still, the children are always pretty pleased to see each other. There is one rose amongst the thorns. It is going to be interesting to see who she favours when they get older. At present though they are happy all holding hands (some are keener than others). Munchkin is not too keen. As you can see, he is holding on for dear life to the side of the duvet. But I guess there are times when even grown ups want to hang on to the duvet and not let go!

26 November 2007

Christmas Dinner, here I come!

Our aim has been for Munchkin to be able to partake in pureed Christmas dinner this year. He is as of Friday night, one step closer. Munchkin cut his first tooth on Friday night. His lower left incisor is through and it is SHARP!

We wondered when this would happen. Munchkin has been leaving trails of drool for weeks. You can tell where he has been and you can also tell who he has been with...as his victims are left covered in munchkin juice. In true Munchkin fashion, he took it in his stride and continued to be very good natured....this time. We are truly blessed.

To celebrate his tooth cutting, Munchkin was given a little drop of bordeaux on his lip last night. His father was proud to note that Munchkin smacked his lips and started wriggling, waving his hands and kicking his feet. No!! It was not an adverse "Are you trying to kill me?" reaction. We think he rather liked it! So it might be that he has a tot of red with his turkey....we shall see!

21 November 2007

Happiness is....?

I have often pondered the answer to this question. I guess it depends where one is in life and what one needs at the precise moment in time to feel this emotion. So at the time of writing my answer is:
  • the fact that the cat has not piddled on the floor by the front door
  • there were no bills in the post
  • it is not raining
  • we have power (there was a power cut last night)
  • Munchkin is sleeping
  • the cats are sleeping
  • we have nothing planned today...it is a duvet day
  • it is nearly Friday and T will not be working silly hours anymore after that

Hmm....but what makes me smile?

  • Eau de Munchkin when I hold him close to me
  • Munchkin gurgles (and the cats meowing in reply)
  • Munchkin laughter
  • T's dancing
  • Watching T and Munchkin together
  • Seeing T at the front door in the evening when he gets home
  • Seeing the cats on the windowsill welcoming us home from an outing
  • Thinking about my parents and my beautiful Sister
  • Thinking about Chief Oracle and her family in Texas

So I guess what I am saying is that happiness, to me is in my family (immediate and extended, feline and human) for without them it would be a cold existence!

19 November 2007

Munchkin and the gang

Munchkin mullings:
Last week our mum's decided that we would all go to J's house for what they call "coffee and cake" As mentioned before, the latter features very high on the agenda in everything that our mummies do. They always blame us for their obsession with cake. They say it is because they have to use up so many calories feeding us that they need to keep their energy levels up by consuming huge quantities of the sweet stuff. This is all well and good. But they are not fooling us. They leave us to play (as illustrated above) and proceed to put the world to rights while topping up on their Cake-lories.
We do try to distract them though by doing things that make them go "Awwww!" The most popular "awww-tivity" is holding hands (as expertly demonstrated above by the boys and I). When this doesn't work, we take turns squeezing each other's hand a little too tight for comfort. This causes what we call the cry reflex. My particular favourite technique is the pushing out of my bottom lip initially, followed by a little whimper and then I turn on the tears. This usually gets some attention. If it doesn't we all start to cry in different pitches and volumes (to ensure that the whole audible range is covered). The pain and strife one has to bear just to tear them away from idle chatter about our bottom burps...I don't know!

14 November 2007


The transition from being us to be parents has been a relatively smooth one for us. We have been very lucky. The following is not by all means a comprehensive list but rather some observations along the way in our journey into parenthood.

You know you are a parent when:
  1. Someone points out the baby sick running down your back and you ask "Is it just on the one side or have I got it down the other as well?"
  2. Someone points out the baby sick on your top and you throw something convenient over it to hide it from plain sight e.g. a scarf, a bag strap or even your hair if it is long enough
  3. You are never without a packet of wet wipes - never know when you will need one.
  4. Leaving the house is a military operation in that the timing is crucial to the success of the mission
  5. You trade your handbag in for a nappy bag
  6. You have no qualms about sniffing your baby's bottom in public. Well....better safe than sorry!
  7. You have no qualms about baring parts of your anatomy in public. Better that than a hungry, screaming baby
  8. You start talking in a very strange singsong voice to your child and start referring to your other half as Mummy or Daddy
  9. You pick out the baby's outfits for special occasions in advance. You wear what is clean on the day.
  10. It ain't over till the little baby sleeps!

Still, it is an exciting journey. Every day is a little different. It amazes me how Munchkin manages to evoke such extreme emotions in us. He can make me very sad but more often he makes me ecstatically glad. He needs us and we most definitely cannot imagine life without him. People told us that things would never be the same again. What they didn't say was how much better it is and how you can hold the true meaning of happiness in your arms.

13 November 2007

Munchkin and his Posse

Here he is holding court. His posse consists of our two cats and all his little dangly friends. His particular favourite is the bright yellow quacking duck.

When we brought Munchkin home, the cats didn't really know what to make of him. One of them took to walking up to him and hissing to register protest. The other just pretended he wasn't there. After about a fortnight, reality sunk in. He was here to stay and they would just have to get used to having him around.

This realisation sparked a turn in behaviour. Hissy cat started following him around. Everywhere he went, she followed. If he was asleep in his crib, she would settle herself nearby and fall asleep. If he cried, the cat formerly known has hissy would run up to him and meow until we came to comfort him. If anyone tried to approach him, they would be confronted by two feline bodyguards.

The bond is an interesting one. It will probably get more interesing now that Munchkin is starting to take an interest in touching things and feeling with his fingers. They have allowed him to stroke them to date. His stroking is controlled and supervised (i.e. I have hold of his hand and "help" him along). Ex-hissy suffers from Anti-toddler syndrome as a result of an altercation some moons ago but she seems to be tolerant.....for now.

12 November 2007

Magic moments

Not quite that poster of man and child - well, there is a shirt covering the six pack (!?) in this case for a start but a special picture regardless.
Munchkin ADORES his daddy. This is no exaggeration. Whatever sort of day Munchie has had as soon as his daddy walks in through the door the little boy beams and grins. This weekend, they boys have mainly been dancing. Well, T has been dancing and Munchkin has been laughing, really laughing. Everytime his dad walks into the room Munchkin stops anything he is doing and just stares at him and smiles. Not a lot comes between the Munchkin and his food but his Daddy does. Munchkin would rather abandon his food than to miss the opportunity to smile at his dad.
We spent Saturday in T's man cave (the garage). Munchkin has now been introduced to hammer drills, oil stones and chisels. He has also had a peek down the cellar. He seemed quite excited about it all. T is talking about getting him a pair of safety goggles and some teeny overalls.
Ah my lovely boys!!

11 November 2007

Mine's a pint!

Munchkin has been introduced to his cup. This week he has been drinking water out of it. Well, drinking is a slight exaggeration. Mostly water dribbles out of his mouth...rather like a bit of a quick rinse to get rid of any sneaky bits of fruit, veg or baby rice that has managed to get stuck in his mouth.

This morning however, he managed to keep most of it in. Perhaps we could give him a tot of red wine in it at Christmas to wash down his pureed sprouts and parsnips. The results could be EXPLOSIVE! Note to self: Keep Munchie away from naked flames.

Today my tummy, tomorrow the world!

You know what they say about pictures and words...enough said.

07 November 2007

Nice Nursey with the Nasty Needles Take 3

Munchkin the guest writer muses:

I knew it! She was being extra nice to me this morning for a reason. It was all cuddles and smiles and lots of fruit in my cereal. Then there were MORE cuddles. All this special treatment started yesterday when my GAF and GUR came...with a lovely Whoozit water mat which I am liking very much, thank you.

I should have known something was up when Daddy came home at lunchtime and also gave me lots of kisses and cuddles (manly ones of course...not like the soppy mummy ones). They packed me into my car seat and off we went. I thought we were going on holiday. But no. We ended up once again at the clinic. Once again I was lulled into a false sense of security There were all my little friends Aidan, Amelia and Elizabeth so I thought...hah! Another Coffee morning ( I don't know why they call it that as they don't have coffee, they mainly concentrate on eating vast amounts of cake and they lay us all on a blanket to play then wonder why we cry and fuss. Some cake this way would be nice!).

To humiliate me even more, they took off my trousers. I was sitting there in my nappy. It is a good job I had already done a mess this morning. Then I realised that we were within stabbing distance of nice nursey with the nasty needles. She jabbed me not once not twice but three times! I wasn't made to be jabbed three whole times. If I were meant to have three jabs I would have been born with three legs. These adults obviously can't count. I had to have two jabs in one leg and now that leg is very sore. I am going to bed. To sulk. I shall continue to tell them off whilst I fall asleep. Nyeh! Nyeh! Nyeh! Tchoh! Hurumphhh! ZZZZzzzzzz

From across the Bristol Channel they came....

Munchkin's dear ones are scattered far and wide. His Great Aunt F and Great Uncle R live in beautiful, deepest, darkest Wales. We have been most excited all week as GAF and GUR were going to come and visit. Yesterday was that day.

I had not met GAF till about July last year and I think it is safe to say (she will correct me if I am mistaken, I hope!) that a lasting bond was forged and a rather lovely friendship has developed. (P/S GUR, you are rather special too and you are the better looking dishwasher still!)

All through the incubation of Munchkin, GAF was there (in a virtual ePal sense) to keep my spirits up and keep me laughing and smiling through it all. For this, I am thankful everyday as her encouragement continues still. We still have our giggles, in fact she has sometimes has me in tears with laughter - must be a wavelength thing! The emails fly back and forth often and it was a very special treat to give both these greats a real hug for a change.

Munchkin seemed to approve too. There were lots of smiles and a very deep and meaningful conversation with his GUR (must be a man thing!). It was rather sad to see them drive off into the night but I am hoping that we will see them again soon!


05 November 2007

Munchkin's take

When mummy dressed me up all nice this morning, I knew that something was up. She was all dressed up too. She told me it was called a "soup" - I got quite excited then. If it is carrot and squash I will have a double portion please!

I pondered the world as we drove off. I wondered which of my fingers tasted best. I settled for my thumb. Mummy was going on about the fact that this was an important day and that I must behave and not fuss and not spit at the nice people at the new-key-year power station. I drifted off to nodland (can you blame me? She does go on that woman - I think it is the lack of grown up female company. Daddy told me they like to chat)

When I woke up (the stupid woman was walking very fast with clippity shoes on - WHAT A DIN!), I found myself staring at 3 men in uniform. We then went into a lift that talked and told us where we were (just in case mummy's brain was so addled she had lost her sense of being) Mummy walked me into an office where there were quite a few very important looking men wearing strange things round their necks (daddy only ever wears things like that for special occasions - must ask him why he didn't wear one to the hospital when I was born - after all they keep telling me I am special). The men made comments about my lovely head of dark hair. I could understand why. 50% of them didn't have any hair and the other 50% had white bits in their hair. I then went for a cuddle with Aunty S. She is lovely and we went for a little walk around to see all mummy's work friends.

I was just getting used to all the female adoration when Daddy came round. He must be jealous as I am such a Lady Magnet but I guess he is my Daddy and I can just about bring myself to share the attention with him. Mummy was gone for ages but she did appear in the end. I had a nice cuddle with Uncle P (mummy's boss). Then more pretty ladies came to see me and wanted a cuddle. I of course being the gentleman that I am (and Daddy has had words to me about female attention - take it while you have it as it soon runs out) I obliged.

I was getting a tad hot and hungry so I let mummy know and she took the hint so off we went. I could see her looking at me as we drove off. I was peering at her from under my eye lashes and from the silly smile she had on her face I knew that wrapped around my little finger she was. Haha! Such is the power of the Munchkin.

Munchkin goes nuclear

Today is a special day. I had to go back to work for a meeting with my lovely boss. I had been quite looking forward to seeing him and so many others as I have quite missed them. But, all last night and this morning I had been anxious. What if there was no room at the inn for me anymore? How would Munchkin behave on site? Lots of questions were swimming round in my head.

I put a suit on again for the first time since I was about 30 weeks pregnant. Thank goodness it fit! I hadn't even checked. Munchkin (through my rose tinted mummy spectacles) looked very lovely in his "Cheeky Monkey" outfit. I even had Munchkin's emergency milk supply packed in a champagne cooler no less. We set off and managed to get there on time.

Upon arrival, we reported to security and Munchkin was checked over by 3 security guards. I then walked Munchkin up to my boss' office. The welcoming committee (not put on specially, rather just a coincidence that they were all there) were the Site Manager, the Plant Manager, The Business Manager and the Financial Controller. It was nice. These very important men all stood round looking at the Munchkin (who ignored them and continued playing with his feet). Munchkin was then whisked off by the site manager's secretary and I had my meeting.

A full hour went by. Not a peep from the Munchkin. In fact, it occured to me that the lovely lady was back in her office without Munchkin. Just as the meeting was wrapped up, T appeared with Munchkin who then had a lovely cuddle with my boss. He likes my boss. He was very attentive.....till he saw me then decided that it was time to go home as his tummy was rumbling.

So off we went. Munchkin fell asleep as soon as I pulled out of the gates. I could only look at him and feel proud. He is a very good Munchkin when it counts. (And the answer is no! I didn't drug him before I got on site to make sure that he wouldn't cry!)

02 November 2007

P(ersonal) P(rotective) E(quipment) required

Munchkin is enjoying his grub. This is a good phase to be savoured before he decides to be fussy. Today's gourmet Munchkin menu consists of Baby rice and pear and apple puree for breakfast, Squash and carrot puree for lunch and pear and apple puree for tea.

As a result of the above, mustard mess has metamorphorsised into chameleon sausages (it depends what he has ingested)

So far today I have learnt:

  • Always keep a wet flannel handy...you never know when you are going to need one
  • When you think the sausages will stop coming, leave it 5 more minutes. It ain't over till it is OVER. Think Cumberland ring rather than 'ickle chippolata.
  • Little hands and feet can get everywhere. This applies to mush and sausages
  • PPE would come in handy - if munchkin decides to sneeze with a mouth full of mush or if he decides it is time for some rain showers when his nappy comes off

Rather than the usual gifts of soft baby blankets, sweet smelling toiletries and cuddly toys, new parents ought to be given a full face visor, plastic coveralls, gloves and overshoes, breathing apparatus (for those oh so pungent aromas - you wouldn't think that something so small could make smells like that) and a lifetime supply of wet wipes.

I am now off to the kitchen to try and wipe up the residual precipitation thanks to Munchkin's series of sneezes while his mouth was full of carrot and squash puree. Shouldn't be too difficult to spot bright orange splodges..I suspect when it gets dark they will glow!

01 November 2007

Look what I found, Mum!

Munchkin and I belong to a really good post natal group. There are seven of us in all and we tend to share very indepth chats about the expulsion of wind, pooh-sodes, pee-sodes and small person antics in general. For weeks, all we talked about was bowel movements. Frequency, volume, aroma and even coverage of surface area. We have concluded that the girls are pretty good and stay as girls do, sugar and spice and all things nice.

Those of the snails and puppy dog's tails persuasion leave more to be discussed. This week the boys have mainly been making discoveries....in the nether regions. The approach is quite scarily consistent. General grabbing, tugging and making all manner of noises as if to ask...look here Mum, look what I found while I was rooting around in the bath. Munchkin doesn't seem to know the difference between his discovery and the rubber duckies that bob about in his bath. He treats them with the same delight. Another little step in the voyage of discovery. It is not every day a little boy discovers the family jewels. No wonder he chuckles with glee every time!