07 November 2007

Nice Nursey with the Nasty Needles Take 3

Munchkin the guest writer muses:

I knew it! She was being extra nice to me this morning for a reason. It was all cuddles and smiles and lots of fruit in my cereal. Then there were MORE cuddles. All this special treatment started yesterday when my GAF and GUR came...with a lovely Whoozit water mat which I am liking very much, thank you.

I should have known something was up when Daddy came home at lunchtime and also gave me lots of kisses and cuddles (manly ones of course...not like the soppy mummy ones). They packed me into my car seat and off we went. I thought we were going on holiday. But no. We ended up once again at the clinic. Once again I was lulled into a false sense of security There were all my little friends Aidan, Amelia and Elizabeth so I thought...hah! Another Coffee morning ( I don't know why they call it that as they don't have coffee, they mainly concentrate on eating vast amounts of cake and they lay us all on a blanket to play then wonder why we cry and fuss. Some cake this way would be nice!).

To humiliate me even more, they took off my trousers. I was sitting there in my nappy. It is a good job I had already done a mess this morning. Then I realised that we were within stabbing distance of nice nursey with the nasty needles. She jabbed me not once not twice but three times! I wasn't made to be jabbed three whole times. If I were meant to have three jabs I would have been born with three legs. These adults obviously can't count. I had to have two jabs in one leg and now that leg is very sore. I am going to bed. To sulk. I shall continue to tell them off whilst I fall asleep. Nyeh! Nyeh! Nyeh! Tchoh! Hurumphhh! ZZZZzzzzzz

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