13 November 2007

Munchkin and his Posse

Here he is holding court. His posse consists of our two cats and all his little dangly friends. His particular favourite is the bright yellow quacking duck.

When we brought Munchkin home, the cats didn't really know what to make of him. One of them took to walking up to him and hissing to register protest. The other just pretended he wasn't there. After about a fortnight, reality sunk in. He was here to stay and they would just have to get used to having him around.

This realisation sparked a turn in behaviour. Hissy cat started following him around. Everywhere he went, she followed. If he was asleep in his crib, she would settle herself nearby and fall asleep. If he cried, the cat formerly known has hissy would run up to him and meow until we came to comfort him. If anyone tried to approach him, they would be confronted by two feline bodyguards.

The bond is an interesting one. It will probably get more interesing now that Munchkin is starting to take an interest in touching things and feeling with his fingers. They have allowed him to stroke them to date. His stroking is controlled and supervised (i.e. I have hold of his hand and "help" him along). Ex-hissy suffers from Anti-toddler syndrome as a result of an altercation some moons ago but she seems to be tolerant.....for now.

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