07 November 2007

From across the Bristol Channel they came....

Munchkin's dear ones are scattered far and wide. His Great Aunt F and Great Uncle R live in beautiful, deepest, darkest Wales. We have been most excited all week as GAF and GUR were going to come and visit. Yesterday was that day.

I had not met GAF till about July last year and I think it is safe to say (she will correct me if I am mistaken, I hope!) that a lasting bond was forged and a rather lovely friendship has developed. (P/S GUR, you are rather special too and you are the better looking dishwasher still!)

All through the incubation of Munchkin, GAF was there (in a virtual ePal sense) to keep my spirits up and keep me laughing and smiling through it all. For this, I am thankful everyday as her encouragement continues still. We still have our giggles, in fact she has sometimes has me in tears with laughter - must be a wavelength thing! The emails fly back and forth often and it was a very special treat to give both these greats a real hug for a change.

Munchkin seemed to approve too. There were lots of smiles and a very deep and meaningful conversation with his GUR (must be a man thing!). It was rather sad to see them drive off into the night but I am hoping that we will see them again soon!


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