06 July 2008

Memories of Kuantan

Munchkin and Ah Ee having a little giggle outside A Famosa in Melaka

Munchkin: "Look, look, look, Ah Ma!"

Munchkin: "Hmm...I best make an attempt to smile out of respect for my Ah Toh"

That was worth it...there's money in it for me!

Munchkin and his Youngest Great Aunt

Munchkin in his paddling pool with his favourite purple duck (I wonder why it is purple, Mama?)
Munchkin came, he laugh, he cuddled and he will be back again very soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! It puts me in mind of Rabbit and all of Rabbit's friends and relations (of which there are a great many).