30 August 2009

What a difference half an hour makes...

I have lots of hairgoing...................


All gone!

oh well! It'll grow back...it might take a while...but I am sure it will.


We are in deep contemplation and will eventually have to come to a decision. Do we or don't we? Should we or shouldn't we? Hmm...a tough decision but fortunately one that we need not have an answer to for a little while as we do have time on our side.

Still, looking through the options is making rather interesting reading. There is much to take into consideration. So much to weigh up.

Through the muddle of information, there is a clear path as of one thing we are certain, the goal.

So weigh up the information we must, sift through the detail we will and a decision will come, no sooner than it is required and no later than it can be made.

Ah go on....you know you want to

Go on....give Daddy a kiss..
No...will not

Well.....I suppose I ought to

Pucker up Daddy - INCOMING!

Mission accomplished and it was better than I thought

29 August 2009

One little voice, one little plea

Don't take to the skies, please don't leave me

I'll miss you more than you will know

I really didn't want to see you go

So Cheers! to you from across the seas
I promise to be good so Lau Lang Please!

Make my Christmas wish come true
This one little plea, from me to you, I just don't know what else to do.

28 August 2009

Time to say goodbye

They came, they filled this home with joy and love and they have now gone
I have spent the last week trying not to think about the miles that separate us and the days and months until we meet again. My parents are angels. I am biased, I realise that. But there aren't many people who would give up a month of their busy lives (going to kopi tiam, working, exercising etc etc) to:Take on the role of chief groundsman/gardener/gamekeeper at someone else's house

Clear the substantial ironing backlog

And most importantly to dote, totally and absolutely on one little boy

And the investment has paid off. He loves them (so he says), he misses them (bit obvious from the staring out of the window at planes saying "Ah Ma, Ah Kong they back" and he wants them back.

We have all dealt with the void that they have left in different ways; Munchkin has been talking to Ah Ma and Ah Kong on his telephone and holding his treasured tennis ball tightly in his little hands every day, T has fired up the wok and fried copius amounts of keropok and ikan bilis and I have cooked "Mama meals" for both us and Munchkin. They have left a gap. A BIG gap particularly with Munchkin.

Munchkin: I packing my suitcase, Mummy: Where are you going?

Munchkin: To May-see-yaa to live in Ah Ma and Ah Kong's house there with them

Mummy: Do you not want to live with Mummy and Daddy any more?

Munchkin: No....want Ah Ma and Ah Kong. Ah Kong is my Christmas present

Mummy: Is he?

Munchkin: Is going to jump out of a box with a ribbon on his head, for me

So, to two very special people who are sorely missed, thank you, for sharing with us a magical time, blessed with love and filled with joy. Here is not to the miles that separate us but rather to the promise that every day that passes is another day closer to us being all together again.

18 August 2009

Out and about

Today we will mainly go into Nailsworth
Here fishy fishy in the river

Hmm..no fishies.....outta here then...onward to Cirencester

Ah well....I'll just slide down this firemen's pole

I want a climbing frame....just like this one.

I LIKE these doggies....Can I take them home with me?

Where is my pie, my 2 in 1 pie?

11 August 2009

The ties that bind

Most people who heard that the Lau Lang were staying for a whole month thought us mad. How can you cope, they cried? A WHOLE month living with your parents again.

Between you and I, the time has gone far too quickly. I wish we were back to week one again. I wish time would just stand still.

In the past couple of weeks, there has been such joy in this house and such warmth in this home. Munchkin is happy, ecstatically happy. He has behaved commendably, slept when he should sleep, eaten (a huge amount) when it was time for food. He has found a play mate and a partner in crime in his Ah Kong and thrived under the wise (and very firm) council of his Ah Ma.

This is the sort of care that can't be bought. It stems from love and love alone. They adore him and he knows it. Yet, he also knows not to take advantage of it (too much!). Somehow a deep bond has formed and with it a certain respect. Watching him with them, I see myself in his place. I see them doing all that and more with me as a child and it makes me proud to have them as my Lau Lang.

The apron strings might have worn a bit thin over the years and the many miles might have stretched them a little but the ties that bind, still do just that, more strongly than ever before.

There are some things money can't buy

for all other things, there is Munchkin's Ah Kong.
If I shut my eyes and wish really hard, maybe, just maybe, Ah Kong will stay.

08 August 2009

This little piggy......

went to Stroud Market
stayed with the olds

had Ah Ma rushed off her feet

was having fun

cried weee weee weee into the nearest tree!

05 August 2009

Family Day out

We went for a mini adventure at the weekend. The rain stayed away while we bimbled round Hidcote Manor Gardens. It was a lovely drive there and I think a good time was had by all.
38 years of wedded bliss...
Number 1 Grandson - Kim Soon

Love is in the air......

Lau Lang, Char Bor Ginnar and Kim Soon

Chase me! Chase me!

Am I doing it right, Ah Kong?

This is how you do it, Kim Soon.

Look Daddy! Look Ah Kong! I can do it!

Lemme go! Lemme go, I tell you!

One little boy and the President & Vice President (co-founders) of his fan club

01 August 2009

At the end of a long week....

This week has been a tiring one. T has been busy at work with very pleasing results and is no reaping the benefits of 19 long weeks of preparation. The men folk had a day out bonding to Edgbaston to watch the Ashes. The rain meant they didn't see much play but spirits were not dampened by the weather. This was a dream come true for Papa, who, if he could would eat, sleep and breathe the game.

The wet weather is forecast to continue all weekend. We were not about to sit at home and mope and whine about the weather though. That would just be giving in. So...
We had a little breakfast (aww isn't it romantic?)
My Pa looks very good for 70, don't you think?
Munchkin wanted to make sure that all the tea was gone

On the way to Gloucester Docks, to the Ferris wheel!!

Hold Daddy's hand, Munchkin!

Boys on da wheel.

Everybody say "Wellies"

Munchkin is ecstatic at finding Cranky the Crane

Mama waiting for the lock keeper

Papa waiting for the same

All together again...say "Umbrellas"

Tired Munchkin on the way home.
And a fun time was had by all despite the rain!