01 August 2009

At the end of a long week....

This week has been a tiring one. T has been busy at work with very pleasing results and is no reaping the benefits of 19 long weeks of preparation. The men folk had a day out bonding to Edgbaston to watch the Ashes. The rain meant they didn't see much play but spirits were not dampened by the weather. This was a dream come true for Papa, who, if he could would eat, sleep and breathe the game.

The wet weather is forecast to continue all weekend. We were not about to sit at home and mope and whine about the weather though. That would just be giving in. So...
We had a little breakfast (aww isn't it romantic?)
My Pa looks very good for 70, don't you think?
Munchkin wanted to make sure that all the tea was gone

On the way to Gloucester Docks, to the Ferris wheel!!

Hold Daddy's hand, Munchkin!

Boys on da wheel.

Everybody say "Wellies"

Munchkin is ecstatic at finding Cranky the Crane

Mama waiting for the lock keeper

Papa waiting for the same

All together again...say "Umbrellas"

Tired Munchkin on the way home.
And a fun time was had by all despite the rain!

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