29 June 2008

Miserable Munchkin

When we picked Munchkin up from Mary Poppins' house on Friday after work he was a sad Munchkin. He had a temperature and his face looked like the slug population of the world had moved in to stay. He was not a happy Munchkin.

He continued to go downhill and on Saturday he couldn't eat a thing. Now, Munchkin loves his food and when he refuses to eat something is very, very wrong. He even refused his bed time bottle. A very rare occurence. All three of us, T & I and Grandee (who had come to visit for the weekend) were very worried indeed. So much so we were forced to resort to lots and lots of wine with our dinner as it made it all better for a while.

This morning though, we were greeted by a different Munchkin. He wasn't crying and even managed a bit of a smile. By lunchtime (after he polished off a huge amount of grub and ten some) he was back to his old Munchie self....all in good time for his Munchkin day tomorrow!

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