26 September 2009

It was a happy day

We made our journey East today. Our hearts heavy,our minds racing in anticipation of what would await us there. It was the most difficult of journeys, it was a hello, nice to see you, good bye nice to have known you sort of visit.

But the spirit of the "family" managed to save the day. And the centre of it all, the bravest, most strong willed man I know. I watched in awe as the weary, tired physical self made its way to a seat outside, stumbling along the way and needing an arm of assistance. But as the conversation started to roll, an immeasurable strength emerged, blotting out the frail physical existence revealing hope, strength and such courage.

I watched from afar for the hours that we were together. The body was tired and weary but the spirit, well, was soaring. We talked about old times, dear times, happy times, sad times. We reminisced about the things that we had to do, things that we shouldn't have done and things that we would do all over again.

The sun was out, the smiles and laughter warmed us all taking away the chill of the fragility of life.

It has been a good day, a great day when once more, the "family" came together proving that the path to a friend's house is never too long. Love drew us all there, love will keep giving us hope and love will bring us together again.

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