18 September 2008

Sniffle, splutter, snot

Munchkin is with cold once more. By my calculations, he has had a cold every 8 weeks or so. Seeing that he is only just over 60 weeks old that is quite a few colds. He is once more taking it in his stride. He is teary but not crying, congested but not bunged up(yet) and not feeling the best but not wallowing in it. He also has lots of teeth erupting but still, he stays cheerful and is getting very amusing indeed.

He amazes me. We have been looking through historic blogs recently. Remember the one at Christmas 2008? He very seriously told me (on prompting of course, he is no genius after all), the 3 people are Da-dee, Bo-bee(he calls himself this) and Mee-Mee (I guess, by process of deduction, that means me!)

He declared the other day that his morning milk was " 'ot! 'ot!" then started blowing at it. He insists on giving "duddles" to everyone including his "babbit" He cries a little but giggles and awful lot. If you time it right and ask him a question you get the response "(Y)es!" followed by a mad nodding frenzy.

He has also concluded that every (heli)copter has got as a passenger his Mamah, who will be bak thoo(n).

Some days I am not sure that things are getting easier, but every day I know that things are getting better and certainly more amusing.

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