02 February 2009

Give thanks with a grateful heart...

We have much to be thankful for today.

For one, Munchkin's God daddy is one year older...and hopefully wiser, and hopefully, he still has all his limbs intact after a days skiing in Swissyland.

But....by far eclipsing the above (Sorry, Pasc!) is the wonderful news that some rather special people are going to be parents. They have been waiting a long time and today, finally, it was confirmed that baby Liam is coming home.

What they don't realise, I guess, is how much their journey has touched so many lives. How their story is inspirational and how their triumph has renewed hope in the power of prayer and faith. I know I shed a tear of joy and thanksgiving today when the news came through.

We take so much foregranted. This great news has made me recount my blessings and give thanks, with a grateful heart for all the blessings that we have received. Indeed, the weak are made strong, the poor are made rich through the power of faith and prayer.

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