28 February 2009

Random ramblings of a tired mind

It has been a tiring week. Le Munchie has been poorly since last weekend and is only now starting to perk back up to his usual cheerful, happy self. Lots of thought have been put into decisions that in hindsight might as well have been spur of the moment "Whatever", sleep hasn't been fantastic (I say this as a thoroughly spoilt person that usually gets an uninterrupted 7 or 8 hours a night). I could go on....but I won't.

However, all that being said and done, today has been a good day. Munchkin has been very entertaining and surprisingly, not very naughty at all. He has eaten everything presented to him and then some, he has slept when he was supposed to sleep, he has been a joy to be with and we even managed to work it such that I sat down for my supper just after 2000...the earliest I have sat down to eat in nearly two years!

My dear sister and Mama kept me from being lonely today which has made me miss them even more. It is quite amazing what my virtual babysitters can do. I can leave the Munchkin entranced by his Ah Ee and Mamah, singing, reading or indulging in general conversation although sometimes he does wander off with the phone to share with them some more unique sights around the house like the cat litter, the inhabitants of "under the dishwasher" and various other places of interest.

I am just about to indulge in some ironing then I think I am off to rest my weary head with the hope that tomorrow will be filled with more reasons to give thanks and feel blessed...and maybe, just maybe the sun will shine too.

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