06 February 2009


This was what it our road looked like this morning at noon. It had been snowing since before midnight last night and the snow is still falling now!

So after deciding to stay off the road, we decided to go for a little walk in the snow. There was snow everywhere and it was about 6 inches deep so despite a valiant attempt by Munchkin (he walked all the way down our road with the snow up to his little knees), we put him in the Munchkin carrier and off we went down to the lake

The snow had turned the lake at the bottom of the road to ice but this didn't put the resident ducks off quacking for some food. We didn't have anything for them unfortunately, but Munchkin did try to fit in by flapping his little arms and running in and amongst them quacking!

It was winter in every sense of the word. A little haven of calm and peace. There was silence apart from the odd branch breaking off because of the weight of the snow (and the odd quack from the feathered ones - and Munchkin). Somehow, this made everything better. A little much needed tranquility after a week of realisation that things are not as they always seem, not as they appear to be.

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