22 October 2008

Fatigue....the best pillow

We are hoping to sleep well tonight. Last night, sleep was not really achieved.

First of all, the basic first aid training we received when Munchkin was about 3 months old. Daddy had to tap Munchkin very firmly on the back as he choked on a piece of pitta bread. Munchkin was inconsolable for 5 minutes then continued on his merry way...or so we thought

The night time ritual came and went as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until midnight. Munchkin screamed from his bed "Mam-mee! Mam-mee!" he shouted. I went to him to find him in tears. All he wanted were "Tuddles" He refused to be put down in his favourite "bedge". After a little while, Munchkin fell asleep on my chest. I tried to transfer him to bed on numerous occasions and failed. Daddy took the next shift and this went on till about four a.m. I was exhausted. Daddy was exhausted. I said a little prayer and made a decision. Munchkin had to go to sleep, on his own, in his own bed.

I said good night. Daddy put him down and he cried for all of 3 minutes or so before he entered deep slumber. He slept, without stirring until I woke him in the morning at the usual time. He had a lovely day at Poppins' and enjoyed all his food and played with a fab ride on digger.

He is in bed now. We are praying for a better night tonight. We hope that we can count on your prayers and hopes for the same. Tomorrow is yet, another day. Tonight, we hope, holds the promise of pure, unbroken, restful sleep. So now, I lay me down to sleep.....

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