12 October 2008

Little Dude

You would not believe it is October. It was lovely today. So we decided to take Munchkin out on the common for a run around. He insisted on some shades...and was saying "Dude" all the way up the "W" to the common.

When we got there, all he wanted to do was go and see the "moos". "Moos, Moos, Moos" he declared as he ran after the resident cows. Then one of them, pretty close to us lift up its tail and had the most enormous wee I had seen. "Wee wee" said Munchkin. "Moos, Wee wee. Oooo". It was very difficult to keep a straight face.

He then traipsed round the common chasing whatever was going, radio controlled planes, kites, moos and disturbingly, cow pats. He seemed to have an obsession for "Pats". "Mam-mee, pats" shouted Munchkin. Off ran Munchkin. Then he stopped. He looked up over his shoulder for me. " Mam-mee" he said. "Uh oh". I ran up to him. He was on all fours, in a fresh cow pat.

Hmm....where do you start?

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