28 March 2009

Know your place, woman.

I am in human minority in this household. If not for the furry ones, I would be truly and absolutely outnumbered.

Daddy is always the hero. When broken things reappear fix, "Daddy fixed it, better now" would be the declaration from a very pleased Munchkin. A few nights ago, Munchkin declared at bedtime, "Daddy here now, Toby OK now". Sometimes only Daddy will do like when the Munchkin's milk it a tad on the warm side "Daddy, cool it down, please" And when the deed is done "Better now" is pronounced. Every morning Munchkin sits at the top of the stairs and shouts "Daaaaadddy, get me, please" "Carry him, please"

Mummy? Well, Mummy knows her place. Mummy is the name called out when Munchkin is not well, particularly when projectile vomiting or feeling very, very hot because of a temperature or in pain. Mummy also has her uses. "Get it, please, Mummy" "That one, get it" Or a popular one this week has been "Mummmmmmy! Messy....Tidy up, mummy" "Mummy, clean it, please"

However, today, I was well and truly put in my place, I walked into the Munchkin's bedroom tonight to find him cuddled up with his Daddy. I sat down and Munchkin looked at me and said "Mummy, stink"

Hmm....perhaps there was too much garlic in that lamb stew I had this evening. Note to self to be careful of what is said whilst in ear shot of the word sponge from now on.

1 comment:

williamandshelley said...

:) are you sure it wasn't mummy sing?