18 January 2008

Butter wouldn't melt....

See this face? Don't let it fool you into thinking "Awwwww! Such innocence, such purity!"

Far from it. Munchkin has learnt a new trick. If he doesn't like what you are doing/saying he turns his head away with a dramatic flourish and purses his lips in distaste. If you dare to persevere, the foot stomping starts and gets more and more indignant and if you are brave enough to go where not many have ventured and try to push the limits, Munchkin screws his face up into what can be likened to a shrivelled prune, takes a deep breath and let's his lungs have a thorough work out.

This also happens when one dares to leave the room before being excused by King Munchkin. I think that Munchkin probably has illusions of grandeur. We are looking into re-programming Munchkin though we find that he re-sets himself after a good sleep. No need for full hard disk reformatting just yet!

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