06 January 2008

Hi-ho-hi-ho it's off to work we go.

Today is my last day as lady of leisure. Tomorrow I return to the mad world of work. It is a strange feeling. For 6 months all I have had to concern myself about is Munchkin and his needs. Tomorrow I will have to worry about cost indicators, schedule indicators, savings challenges, plan submissions and all that jazz.

So, today is a funny old day of mixed feelings. I am excited but I am also sad. I am happy but I am also scared. However, I feel that this is the right thing for me and for us as a family. I vow to make the most of the time I do have with Munchkin and savour every moment. Selfishly, work will be me time and any other time will be Munchkin time. Makes sense.....could work....will work!

So tomorrow is another day. A new day marked with a new dawn and a new adventure for us all. Munchkin is oblivious. The only part I am dreading is waking the monster up while it is still dark and breaking his "I will wake up at 0830 every morning" practice. Could be interesting!

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