27 January 2008

Magic Moments

It has been a magic moments weekend.

Magic moment one - Munchkin has taken to clapping...well sort of clapping. Hitting his hands together whilst looking very pleased with himself. We are working on the making a sound bit. He seems a little bemused at why our clapping makes a loud sound and his clapping doesn't. Still...magic!

Magic moment two - Munchkin was lovely and clean after a bath. He was lying on his changing mat in his sleeping bag ready to be fed and put to bed. Suddenly, he opened his mouth, took a deep breath, looked at his father and said "Dadadada". T and I stared at each other for a moment, laughed and thought nothing of it. We went about putting Munchkin's bath duck collection away. Then it happened again, T was standing over Munchkin doing a silly jig. Munchkin chuckled and said "Dadadada" And he kept on going. Every time he caught T's eye he said Dadadada. Needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the house.

I am sure it was mere coincidence that Munchkin just happened to be looking at his dad whilst making his new found sound. Whether or not he does recognise his dad is immaterial to me. The main thing is that it was one of those truly magic moments that I don't think either T and I will forget in a hurry. It is making feel all warm and fuzzy - but that might just be the sunshine on this lovely spring day.

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