06 April 2008

All is calm, all is white

This morning when we got ourselves out of bed (at about 0800, as Munchkin graced us a lie in) and looked out the window, we were treated to a carpet of snow. Everything looked crisp and clean, the birds were singing and the sun was shining through. It was going to be a good day.

We got Munchkin out of bed and straight outside (Mama do not fear, he WAS warm enough) to play in the snow. He loved patting the fluffy snow down which, left little hand prints which made his mummy feel a little bit emotional. He sort of liked crushing the snow between his fingers, he did that is,till it made his hands cold.

Munchkin had a long nap, then woke up and had his lunch ready to go to a birthday party in the church hall. He was a good boy while he was there and played nicely with all the other children. He espcially like Ollie, who told him all about diggers, trucks and combine harvesters (we are in Gloucestershire after all)

He was a tired Munchkin at the end of the day and as he fell asleep tonight, the snow came down once more. Good job we planned on a curry tonight, just to make sure we stay warm.

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