30 April 2008

Like it is going out of fashion

Tis I, Munchkin. Today Mummy and Daddy picked me up early from Mary Poppin's house. Trust them to spoil the party. I was having a very nice time with my toys, thank you and I had the undivided attention of Little Miss Poppins (daughter of Mary). Still, I went with them, thoughbeit a little reluctantly as I was due a nice sleep after my lunch of chicken casserole and mash (which was rather yummy)

We went off in the car and it started raining. Daddy pulled up outside the place of the Nice Nursey with the nasty needles. I was not impressed. And to top it all off, there must have been a big leak in the sky (either that or the big man above that mummy talks to at night was crying as something had made him sad). There was lots of water coming down, on my face and in my eyes. Still, I didn't mind as it felt like having a nice bath before bedtime. All was well. I met a nice young lady called Terri, aged 14 months, red hair and an older lady called Isabella. aged 18 months, likes car keys. Then, somebody called my name.

Mummy carried me into a strange room while Daddy brought up the rear with all my stuff (I don't travel light!) Mummy then proceeded to take all my clothes off. Honestly, does the woman think I have no shame? Still I thought I wouldn't show them up in public as I didn't want to get a Stern Talking To when I was out of the public's earshot. I got put into a COLD bucket. It was COLD. I didn't like it so I TOLD THEM SO in my loudest voice (I can be stern too, you know!) The nice lady then looked into my mouth and told mummy said something that sounded similar to "teething like it is going out of fashion" How dare she? I am a very fashionable Munchkin, thank you very much. My clothes always match my socks and I always have trendy footwear on. I mean, these grown ups should take a look at themselves in the mirror sometimes...Mummy particularly. I could tell you a thing or two about what she looks like in the morning....it is not a pretty sight.

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