15 March 2008

A month in the life of us

It has been a long month. Lots of water has passed under the bridge as there has been so much rain. It has been torrential at times. Thankfully, the precipitation has reduced to an occasional drizzle and some days the sun makes a guest appearance.

We are back on an even keel now we think. Mary Poppins is back on form, T is back from death's door (from his many ailments - far worse obviously because he is a man!) and the Munchkin....well, remains as always the Munchkin.

So what's new? Munchkin has got 1 new tooth with another on the way. He gets about...by flinging himself from back to tummy and vice versa, he tends to sleep on his tummy (though he tends to forget that he has put himself in that position in the first place so tells us off upon waking for leaving him asleep like that!), he commando crawls....in reverse which is frustrating for him as the toy in his sights just gets further and further away. He has tried beef, lamb, chicken, trout and pollock and managed to keep it all down. He has had 2 haircuts and one bump on the head.

And he is ever, as Munchkin is....Munchkin

Things can only get better.

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