31 October 2007

Detached Parenting

T was out on the town with the lads last night. This was going to happen tonight but I put in a change request as I didn't want to be at home alone on Halloween and have to face scary children coming to the door. All was well. Munchkin settled down for his beauty sleep (he needs it as he is looking a bit worse for wear skin wise at the moment) and by 1930 I had my feet up and started to wind down for the evening till I had to go and retrieve T at 2200.

But relax I could not. I felt sick. I felt anxious and I couldn't figure out why. At 2115, popped next door to nice Mrs T who had agreed to babysit while I did my taxi girl duties (you didn't think we would be leaving Munchkin all on his own, did you?) As I drove away I felt more and more uneasy. Then it dawned on me, perhaps all this was because I had left Munchkin on his own with someone other than Daddy for the first time. I tried not to think about it as I pulled up in front of the agreed rendezvous spot. T appeared a little later and after dropping a friend off at his abode T asked how I was feeling.

It transpired that we were both feeling a little uneasy all evening. Not that there was any need. We got home and Mrs T reported that there had not been one peep out of Munchkin. She had even gone to check to see he was still breathing. Breathing he was, and SNORING at that! One small step for us, one giant leap towards trusting enough to let go...for a little while at least!

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