08 October 2007

A Special Day

We celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary yesterday. A lot has happened during that time, munchkin being the most significant occurence....and indeed the most life changing experience. To mark the occasion we had a lovely home cooked meal on Saturday night. T cooked, I ate. It was the exact same meal that he first cooked for me many moons ago. The food tasted just as good as it was then, maybe even a little better and I think it is safe to say that we enjoy each other's company now even more than we did then.

On Sunday I treated the boys to a nice meal in a proper restaurant complete with silverware and starched napkins. It was lovely. Munchkin was in his pushchair throughout and was busy lapping up the attention he was getting from the nice pretty, young waitress. He then turned his attentions to the lady at the next table...she was a more mature lady but she had the upper hand....she had food. How he cooed and gurgled at her with a hope that she would share her cheese and biscuits with him! He then promptly fell asleep as we finished off with pudding and coffee.

So where are we after 2 years of wedded bliss? Older (there is no avoiding that one!), a bit wiser (questionable), sillier (definitely), a bit more prosperous round the middle (well, 50% of us anyway...ahem...I have an excuse in Munchkin!) and undoubtedly happier than we have ever been.

1 comment:

Quiddy said...

Really, I should be getting the attention from that nice pretty, young waitress.

But since the T-Warrior is involved, I will let that one slip.