01 October 2007

The Great Grand Seal of Approval

Munchkin has been socialising recently. His antics have been shared both virtually and in the flesh with his great aunts, uncles and his Great Gran D. My observations (through extremely rose tinted spectacles) is that he has done us proud.

Munchkin spent Sunday afternoon with Great Aunty M and Great Gran D. We got him all dressed up in his Sunday best (including socks!) and awaited the arrival of the greats. They arrived for lunch and Munchkin decided it was time to go to sleep and leave the adults to it but not before lots of cooing, smiling and cuddling (and drooling but no gasseous emmissions were detected by the sniffometer). We had a nice Munchkinless lunch and he woke up during pudding (typical!!!) and proceeded to provide the after lunch entertainment. This continued. Munchkin was feeling very chatty indeed. He particularly likes Great Aunty M as she was rewarded with many, many beaming smiles. He was a little more serious with Great Gran D and just "conversed" with her sans squeals and squeeks.

All in all and good time was had by all. He has also been introduce virtually to his Great Aunt F and Great Uncle R who have provided us with lots of chilled out, zen vibrations from deepest darkest Wales for the past year! Their support has been invaluable throughout the incubation of Munchkin and Munchkin....the early days. Those zen vibes sure do travel well and provide a safe (and indeed hilarious) haven from the sometimes challenging world!

One never knows if one is doing the right thing in bringing up Munchkin but the greats have been very generous with their feedback and we now feel perhaps that we are doing some things right! So to all you greats out there....thank you for all that love and support (and the praise is very welcome too!!!) Munchkin is indeed a lucky boy as are we to be blessed with all of you!

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