10 October 2007

Oh bed! Oh bed! Delicious bed!

That heaven upon earth to the weary head.....

Yesterday, I was subjected to a visit to the nice nursey with the nasty needles. It is the flu jab time of year and after clearing it with the nursies and the health visitor, off I went leaving Munchkin in the capable hands of the health visitor and my post natal group pals.

It was our last post natal group so we had a grand discussion about child development a.k.a. child amusement 101. T and I adopt the philosophy that if it makes Munchkin smile and coo, it must be good. We don't tend to follow toy trends or worry about how educational something is. The key to us is enjoyment and watching munchkin's face light up. If he learns something, it is a bonus (we still think that his first word is going to be poo though...as we converse about that so much! But it is a word, isn't it?) This week munchkin is mainly obsessed with my hands. He hugs them when I am trying to change him...very nice but makes doing up a nappy a little challenging but lovely regardless.

Last night I got munchkin fed and tucked into bed. He was asleep by 1945. I then glammed up and went next door where our neighbour was hosting a Body Shop party(where you buy Body Shop items and not bodies as some cheeky person inquired..you know who you are!). I got home at 2230. "I haven't had a peep out of him" reported T (proud daddy).

This morning T went to work at half past too early. He checked on Munchkin before he left. Munchkin was fast asleep. I woke when I heard the neighbour's children playing in the garden. Glancing at the clock I realised that it was 0815!! Eek!! Where was munchkin? Was he still alive? I had to wake him up for his morning feed. He went promptly back to sleep. Then I had to wake him up again, as I was meeting a friend for coffee at 1030. We got back from coffee at 1300 (coffee takes a long time for us ladies you know...so much to talk about!). Munchkin was fed and changed...he is now asleep...and has been for the past 45 minutes. I wonder if a rogue tsetse fly has escaped from its exotic home, stowed away on a plane (as it is far too much effort for a 'ickle fly to flap its 'ickle wings all that distance, it'll burn so many calories there won't be anything left) that landed in Britain and bitten my munchkin? Or is it that the flu jab has knocked my munchkin out? Either way, I am not complaining!

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