12 October 2007

Munchkin Musings

I'm back! This morning we have been to the supermarket. I decided that I would be particularly nice to mummy today so I sat quietly in my car seat in the trolley while she did the food shopping. I like food. I hope that bag of sweet potatoes that fell in the trolley are for me. Also I spied some baby rice falling into the trolley. She must be getting the hint. For weeks I have been trying my best to look excited when she eats, I have opened my mouth wide and have even perfected the art of salivating on demand..not an easy task I let you know but apart from a measley bit of apple mush and the teeniest bit of carrot mash she has not really made an effort. Perhaps things are about to change.

I am getting very fed up though....everyone thinks I am a "Pretty girl". Hello? I am wearing a blue top with a dinosaur on it and blue trousers AND blue socks. Is that still too subtle? The next time anyone peers into the pram or carseat and says "Aww, what a lovely little girl" I shall belch and parrrrrpppp. They will be in no doubt then what my gender is. Daddy is very proud of my gasseous emmissions (the smells and sounds show) and says that I am a proper little boy like daddy. Note to self: must somehow convince mummy to buy me more masculine clothing with cars, trains and all other sterotypes for boys on it. I don't care if red is lucky to the chinese. Blue and black will now be my colour of choice and no cutesy little motifs either. Tchoh! Hurumphh!! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz (Munchkin has nodded off again!)


Quiddy said...

Hey T-Warrior!

I did suggest to mum an Iron Maiden T-Shirt; sleeve-less, of course. Could get some tatoo stickers also. Would look cool, mate ;). Don't let mum know, though. She would eat me alive. You know best how she is...

DorT said...

You cheeky uncle Tom....wait till I get in kicking proximity of you.

Quiddy said...

T-Warrior has telepathically let me know that he will protect me from his beasty mum. So there won't be any hurt and I don't have to worry of being back stabbed. He is covering me.