24 October 2007

A whole new world...

We have been experimenting with munchkin (yet again!). As previously shared, Munchkin has been showing quite a bit of interest in food. As Munchkin will be turning 4 months old in a weeks time we decided that perhaps it was time to introduce him to solid food.

Day 1 involved a teaspoon of baby rice for breakfast..organic no less and wholegrain at that. Munchkin donned his new bib and braced himself for food. It didn't take long. After playing about with the first little taste, it was all I could do to keep up with his gaping gob and Munchkin shouts asking for more and no hanging about mummy! He started sounding very indignant "keep up woman! Call yourself my mother?". Needless to say, rice was a hit. We then tried pear which dissapeared before you could say "And a partridge in a pear tree". Today we tried apple. Munchkin wasn't too sure about apple. But Ah Ee phoned just on cue and Munchkin proceeded to finish his apple whilst telling her all about it and hiccuping. I am sure this ability to multitask will diminish as he grows to be a big, strong man (or so his father has led me to believe!)

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