25 December 2007

Christmas isn't Christmas...

"Christmas isn't christmas till it happens, in your heart. Somewhere deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts."

Amidst the wave of clever (and in many ways very effective) marketing and commercialism, I decided to take time to reflect on what Christmas really means to me. I have come to the conclusion that for a long time the true meaning of Christmas has taken a back seat, hidden from view perhaps by the piles of presents, the mounds of food and the buckets of fun. This Christmas will be our first Christmas with Munchkin. This is a new beginning, a start, a time to reflect on the greatest gift of all. The gift of unconditional love.

" For God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son; that whosever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16. I have heard this verse read Christmas after Christmas over the years but this year it holds a special place. It is all about overwhelming love, the ultimate sacrifice and a gift so priceless that it cannot be bought with all the riches in the world.

So I make a promise. Amidst the stockings, the tree, the presents and the overindulgence I will take time to be thankful for the many blessings that we have received. The blessing of Munchkin, the blessing of happiness and contentment, the blessing of love and true friendship and the blessing of hope - all those gifts that cannot be bought, cannot be wrapped up (well, we could try but I don't think Munchkin would sit still long enough...and imagine the willful retaliation to being stuffed in a box!) and cannot be valued. The best gifts in the world.

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