10 December 2007

Munchkin has left the building.

This morning, we had to rouse Munchkin from his slumber. It was half past too early for Munchkin but he had places to go and people to meet. We gave him a bit of a shine and a polish then T bundled him off into the car and drove off into the darkness.

Munchkin is off to his lovely childminder for his second taster session. Last time we came away with no long lasting ill effects (so far). This time we are leaving him for 5 whole hours. So here I am, home alone. T has just rung to say that he left Munchkin cuddling the lovely childminder lady (henceforth to be known as Mary Poppins).

It is a strange independence but a rather enjoyable one. Suddenly I don't really have to think about anyone but myself. I haven't had the luxury for a while. It feels good and almost naughty, almost like bunking off school (not that I ever did that, of course! Ahem!) to enjoy the sunshine. I am looking forward to seeing Munchkin again this afternoon but I am going to savour every moment. Absence makes the heart grown fonder....but for the time being I am just going to sit back and enjoy the silence and the peace of this me time.

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