09 December 2007

Time honoured traditions

"Stir up , we beseech thee O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people" is the opening line of the prayer used on the Sunday before the start of Advent and is the reason why that Sunday is called Stir up Sunday, traditionally the day the Christmas pudding is made.

We have adopted this tradition. Each year, I make a Christmas pudding and we take turns to stir it and make a wish for the coming year. This is going to be Munchkin's first Christmas so, in keeping with tradition, Munchkin got a stir as well.....if you could call it that...well, he sort of held the spoon.
This led me to reminisce about our wishes made last year. Unbeknown to us then , T and I both made the same wish. Our wish came true. He sits here, sort of stirring his first Christmas pudding, perhaps wishing for something for the year ahead. Maybe, just maybe, someday his wish, like ours will come true too.


williamandshelley said...

It's time to start posting recipes on your blog!!!


DorT said...

Any requests missus?