09 December 2007

Do you see what I see?

Being new parents has opened our eyes to many a new experience, most of which are great, a few are less desirable. One which falls into the latter category is the need for some "special" individuals to very kindly share how advanced their little ones are e.g. "My little darling is 3 and do you know he/she has such a flair for art. Look at this, it could be mistaken for a Jackson Pollock" or "Oh! Did you hear that? He/she said floccinaucinihilipilification. Yes, he/she says that ALL the time" Society seems to have bred the necessity to crave over achievement.

I mulled this over with Chief Oracle who seems to be experiencing something very similar over the pond. Pushy parent syndrome seems to be rife. So, here's a picture to ponder. What I see is Munchkin (bored at being left to his own devices) tearing into a magazine, what it could be interpreted as is "Oh look! He really likes the New Scientist. It is his favourite magazine, don't you know". If I EVER come out with phrases like that(and am not being sarcastic), please take this as written permission to put the world out of its misery and shoot me.

N.B. Munchkin is 5 months and 9 days old. He can't talk, he can't read, he can't walk, he can't roll over, he can't sign, he can't do very much really BUT he makes my world a better, brighter place (apart from when he makes really bad smells....in which case my world becomes just a little bit less fragrant...temporarily although the boys seem to be tag team fumigating at the moment so the atmosphere is rather toxic at Chez Munchkin)


williamandshelley said...

I don't know if the Chief Oracle has experienced this yet... but the bumper stickers... "My child is an honor roll student at "x" elementary school" are very popular. But even more popular are the bumper stickers that say "My child beat up your honor student"

DorT said...

Love it!