07 September 2007

Calpol at the ready!

Munchkin had to have his first jabs on Wednesday. I think the experience was worse for me than it was for munchkin. Safety in numbers.....T and I wheeled him down to the surgery to see the "nice nurse". T even had illusions that she would be a lovely young thing with a nice fitting white uniform (it is a boy thing!). He was disappointed. I was a wreck.

The appointment started off with Munchkin's 8 week check. All is well the nice Dr lady told us. We were then herded into nursie's lair. Out came the needle followed by about 30 seconds of wailing then out came the next needle and another 30 seconds wailing (of course 30 seconds felt like 10 hours to me). Then, it all went quiet and munchkin drifted off to sleep (whilst managing to stick his big, fat bottom lip out in a pout that can only be rivalled by his dad's - No dear you are still not getting an X-box 360 for Christmas no matter how much Munchkin might need one!)

We then went to the Health Visitor for a weigh in. Munchkin is 9 and a half weeks old. He now weighs 12 lb 3 oz. As we were leaving he managed to beam the most enormous smile for the health visitor....that's my boy!

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