08 September 2007

Non-Destructive Testing

Lots of NDT takes place in the nuclear industry that T and I work in so we are quite used to this sort of thing...when it applies to plant.

When Munchkin was but a bump we decided to refer to him as "Boo" after the little one in Monster Inc. Hence, when I came across a board book titled Baby Boo! I decided that I had to acquire it for Munchkin. This week we have been looking at the pictures in this book together. Munchkin seems to like looking at the pictures of other babies and smiling and cooing back to them in a friendly fashion. This was exactly the case yesterday....until I managed to drop the book on Munchkin's head. A shocked look followed by a very red face and huge opening of lungs followed. Munchkin had passed the book drop test...and responded ala the late Pavarotti in volume. Not quite Nesun Dorma though, equal in volume. Just not very melodious.

Rubbish parenting at its best......I wonder if the dropped book fulfilled the criteria of standard drop test equipment....after all there exists a calibrated finger to check the width of apertures for cooling...hmmm.....

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