15 September 2007

The eagle has landed

Just a short one today as we are having a bit of a manic weekend (more about that tomorrow).

After a short wait, we were showered with blessings and presents alike. After all that hype, it was a bit disspointing...or so we thought.

As the cliche goes, it is not the quantity, it is the quality that counts. Hmm....if only we had a scratch and sniff option....then and only then would the true sense of quality be appreciated. If I draw parallels to the Malaysian vegetable Petai, some of you would understand. For the others, petai is also known as "stink bean" and known to have very pronounced effects after ingestion. My father has many stories about the affectiveness of petai, he says that eating petai is particularly handy at football matches or indeed any crowded places, when you fancy a bit of personal space.

Still, at least it means that I can stop eating the dried figs...though...I have now acquired quite a taste for the things...they are like fig rolls. without the roll bit...but I guess that is quite obvious.

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