28 December 2008

Lights, Camera, Action!

Before the forrins arrived, we had to make sure that everything was just right. The preparations started with the purchase and decoration of the tree. Munchkin had never really experienced a tree before....so this was what happened....

The tree was brought in and laid down while Daddy prepared the base. Munchkin could not wait. So the decorating started early...whilst it was still horizontal.

Then when the tree was upright, Munchkin decorated some more....with a little help.

A special tree for a truly special Christmas!


Enough said!

Christmas is upon us!

First, we had to make sure that the tree was up and the decorations were just so...

Then we had to make sure that Santa and his reindeer would feel welcome, so some food on the lawn was in order....

And then we embraced the Christmas spirit...eat, drink and be merry!

22 December 2008

Because she is worth it!

24 hours ago, some forrin visitors arrived at Chez Munchkin. We were all a little apprehensive of what he was going to make of them when he encountered the aliens first thing on Sunday morning.

We needn't have worried. He greeted them with squeals of "Mamah! Ah Ee!" Followed by huge "tuddles" and beaming smiles.

It is going to be a very Happy Christmas!

20 December 2008

I don't care how you get here, get here if you can!

They are on the way. Right now my mum and sister and flying above Europe somewhere. In just over 3 hours time they will be landing at Heathrow.

The house is in a mess, there are presents yet to be wrapped, the beds need making and everything is chaos. But Mama, dear Mama had this to say this morning before she got on the plane "Mama will fix all of it in no time". And she will.

I can't wait. To try and put this feeling into words is impossible. There just aren't the words to describe this feeling. I have been 15 years waiting...and now, just three hours away....my Christmas time will begin.

The clock ticks...I wait.....the joy builds.

13 December 2008

The end of a horrible week

What a week it has been. We have had such bad news this week. To top it all off, I had a car accident on Friday morning on the way to work. The car is off the road and will be picked up by some accident repair people. Hopefully this coming week. I am praying the repair is going to be quick and everything is going to be resolved so that I can get on and forget about the whole darn mess.

What did make things better was 2 Christmas meals in a day. Lunchtime was spent with work colleagues (food wasn't great but the company was) and in the evening our annual Usual Suspects do. It was great to see the "family" again. 21 of us this year. It is the sort of gathering that makes you appreciate the true meaning of friendship and camaradarie. None of us actually work together any more, most had to travel quite a way to be there. But, every year, without fail, they come. Many would not have seen each other for a year. Everyone always picks up just where it was left the year before, the laughter always rings out, the joy overflows and the love is enough to warm any cold, dark (and rather wet!) winter's night.

Long live the spirit of Remote Operations!

29 November 2008

Milk! Milk! Milk!

Munchkin likes his milk...spot the moustache following his post nap tipple.

David Bailey he is not!

Munchkin is rather a curious creature. At present, he is into everything and wants to try his hand to most. T has been selling some stuff off pre-Christmas to free up some space in the study (and to avoid being nagged about his junk any longer). We were packaging up the stuff for posting. Munchkin decided that he would lend a hand.....with rather crashing results.

Tick tock tick tock

The clock is ticking. Soon it will be December. We get to get even MORE excited in December as Christmas will soon be here and more importantly, the 20th draws closer.

We sent off our forrin Christmas cards today....with the exception of a few for good reason. The reason being that we will be able to deliver those cards in person! hahah! Fifteen years in waiting.

It is getting nice and chilly ready for the arrival of Ah Ee and Mamah. Well, they wanted to experience Christmas here...and experience it they shall.

For us, the excitement of Christmas always begins properly with the Nailsworth Goodwill evening. It is a really nice evening when all the streets in our "village" is transformed into a Christmas market. This year it was a little more magical as it was our first with Munchkin. He was a little star. We bundled him along in his pushchair all snuggled up in Little Miss Houston's buggy snuggle (Thanks Chief Oracle!). He "ooooo"'d and "Wow!"d at all the lights. He touched the snow (fake but the effec was there!) and waved to Santa and his reindeer - well he did call them deer but they must be related some how.

He shared some spiced port and red wine. He also had some stir fried noodles and vegetables. He danced to the music and was very, very patient when his mum decided that she had to try some clothes on. We got him home and put him to bed after a bath, some millk and a story.

And this morning, well, it was 0930 before he woke up....so a lovely time was had by all!

22 November 2008

Four weeks

Four weeks, 28 days, too many hours and far too many minutes to count but with every letter I type, the occasion is that little bit closer.

15 years in waiting...but at last. Christmas...with a difference. I will go to sleep on Christmas Eve knowing that down the hall, my mama and my mei mei will be sleeping (well, snoring actually if I know them as well as I think I do)

The preparations have begun. I am starting to get REALLY excited about Christmas, I mean REALLY REALLY excited. The childish anticipation is due to the Munchkin. T and have been going a bit mad on the presents front. The child is not going to know what has hit him on Christmas Day but mainly because of the love of family that I know will fill my heart this Christmas after all, Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart,Love came down at Christmas etc.

Well, all of the above.

Can you guess.....

what the Munchkin's all time, most favourite meal is?

13 November 2008

Dance like no one is watching....

We were once asked what we would like for Munchkin, in life. I answered that we want him to be happy. We want him to love and to be loved. We would like him to laugh no holds barred and to dance, like no one is watching!

A fortnight in pictures

We have had a busy fortnight. First we had lovely weekend in Dartmouth to celebrate the marriage blessing of two of of our dear friends. Munchkin had a WHALE of a time singing in church and dancing at the reception. He also managed to steal some champagne and many different yummy treats off the canape trays. He was also captivated by a lovely older lady (aged 3 and 3/4)

He was so tired after all that partying that he slept all the way home.

We picked Grandma up from Stroud on the way home and Munchkin enjoy a week o Grandma day care as Poppins was on holiday. Munchkin also experienced his first chip. He now loves chips....but not as much as he loves Daddy! Well not yet anyway!

31 October 2008


Munchkin has been busy this week at Poppins' house. They have been celebrating autumn colours and preparing for Halloween. Munchkin made this (with a little help from Poppins). There was a pumpkin stalk....but it is no more as it is being stored safety within the belly of the Munchkin.

26 October 2008

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Think that particular tune.....with these words:

Aunty Al has got baby in her tum
Aunty Al has got a baby in her tum
Aunty Al has gota baby in her tum
And she's gonna pop one day soon!!

This is Munchkin's absolute favourite song today (sorry Aunty Al!). Munchkin has been looking at Aunty Al's pictures and he has been patting his tummy saying "Bee bee". He has been playing hide and seek with Aunty Al's piccies today and being very, very cheeky saying "Boo!!" and giggling his little heart out.

And he insists that we all inspect our tummys in case there is a "Bee bee" in there!

Home alone

This weekend Munchkin and I have been home alone. Well, not strictly as the girls have been here as well. T left for Kent for a dibdob scout reunion yesterday afternoon.

I am happy to report that it has, so far, been a quiet and calm existence. Munchkin has spoken to Ah Kong (Ta-ton) and Ah Ee today. He has been playing with the girls learning that he has to be nice to them and stroke them gently - not runing at them screaming in excitement "Mishi! Chocho!" does help.

Despite the clock change, Munchkin stayed in bed till 0800 which gave me time to get up and out of bed, shower and make the necessary Munchkin arrangements (milk, water, nappies etc etc) in preparation for his highness' waking. After second breakfast, as we sat reading, (well I was reading, Munchkin was pointing at the pictures), he yawned a few times. He then said "Bed, bye bye" and wrapped himself round me. I took him upstairs, changed him and put him into his cot. I left him there with his book and stood at the bottom of the stairs listening to him "reading". Peace at last.

24 October 2008

Bossy boots

Act 1 Scene 1 - Munchkin is having his tea when Mishi jumps onto the dining table. Munchkin is displeased with this behaviour and was making his feelings known. Like everytime, I started recording a bit too late. He had reverted to concentrating on his tea by the time this was recorded. But the sentimen of the moment is there.

23 October 2008

Sing a song Part 2

Mummy: Hey diddle diddle the.....
Munchkin: Kat! Kat!
Mummy: And the.....
Munchkin: Piddle......!!!!

Mummy: Miss Polly had a dolly who was.....
Muchkin: Sick! Sick!

Mummy: Rain, rain go away...
Munchkin: Wet

With every new day, comes a new song!

22 October 2008

Fatigue....the best pillow

We are hoping to sleep well tonight. Last night, sleep was not really achieved.

First of all, the basic first aid training we received when Munchkin was about 3 months old. Daddy had to tap Munchkin very firmly on the back as he choked on a piece of pitta bread. Munchkin was inconsolable for 5 minutes then continued on his merry way...or so we thought

The night time ritual came and went as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until midnight. Munchkin screamed from his bed "Mam-mee! Mam-mee!" he shouted. I went to him to find him in tears. All he wanted were "Tuddles" He refused to be put down in his favourite "bedge". After a little while, Munchkin fell asleep on my chest. I tried to transfer him to bed on numerous occasions and failed. Daddy took the next shift and this went on till about four a.m. I was exhausted. Daddy was exhausted. I said a little prayer and made a decision. Munchkin had to go to sleep, on his own, in his own bed.

I said good night. Daddy put him down and he cried for all of 3 minutes or so before he entered deep slumber. He slept, without stirring until I woke him in the morning at the usual time. He had a lovely day at Poppins' and enjoyed all his food and played with a fab ride on digger.

He is in bed now. We are praying for a better night tonight. We hope that we can count on your prayers and hopes for the same. Tomorrow is yet, another day. Tonight, we hope, holds the promise of pure, unbroken, restful sleep. So now, I lay me down to sleep.....

20 October 2008

Sing a song

This last week we have mainly been singing songs.

Mummy: What shall we sing today, Munchkin?
Munchkin: e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i
Mummy: Old McMunchkin had a farm e-i-e-i-o. And on is farm he had a.....
Munchkin: Tac-Ter (tractor)
Mummy: e-i-e-i-o

Munchkin: Bah bah bah bah
Mummy: Ba ba black sheep have you any wool?
Munchkin: 'es! 'es!

Munchkin: Busssss! Waun waun waun waun!
Mummy: The wheels on the bus go round and round

Munchkin: Pie-dah, pie-dah
Mummy: Incy Winch spider, climbed up the water spout

Mummy: Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his.....
Munchkin: Nooo-sssss (sticks fingers in both nostrils for effect)

Ah the simple pleasures!

19 October 2008


Munchkin has been in videocon with his Grandad today. Grandad is in Greece.

As his daddy was powering everything up, Munchkin warmed up by saying "Hew-wow , hew-wow" quite a few times to get his vocal chords going. Then when Grandad finally came on, Munchkin went "Hew-wow, Gran-did"

He then proceeded to have his breakfast of blueberry and banana porridge supplemented by a plate of Cheerios....which he wanted to share with his "Gran-did" so a relay was started. Munchkin passed a cheerio to daddy, who then pretended to feed it to grandad who, obliged by making appreciative "yummy" noises which, made Munchkin chuckle.

Munchkin then toasted "Gran-did" with his cup of water (which was reciprocated by grandad with his cup of tea)

And when he came to say good bye, Munchkin said "Bye bye Tuddle tuddle" and stretched his arms out for a cuddle. Soon, Munchkin soon! Grandad will be back soon!

13 October 2008

Does my bum look big in this?

Err...obviously so.

Seeing that my son has decided to start posting things down it like it s a huge red pillar box. In the past 24 hours, I have had the following posted:

  • sunglasses
  • credit cards
  • a tea towel
  • the letter 'j'

I guess that answers the question then. I guess I can count on him to be honest with his mummy. Not a bad thing.

12 October 2008

Round and round they go

My boys....grand prix....Suzuka......need I say more?

Little Dude

You would not believe it is October. It was lovely today. So we decided to take Munchkin out on the common for a run around. He insisted on some shades...and was saying "Dude" all the way up the "W" to the common.

When we got there, all he wanted to do was go and see the "moos". "Moos, Moos, Moos" he declared as he ran after the resident cows. Then one of them, pretty close to us lift up its tail and had the most enormous wee I had seen. "Wee wee" said Munchkin. "Moos, Wee wee. Oooo". It was very difficult to keep a straight face.

He then traipsed round the common chasing whatever was going, radio controlled planes, kites, moos and disturbingly, cow pats. He seemed to have an obsession for "Pats". "Mam-mee, pats" shouted Munchkin. Off ran Munchkin. Then he stopped. He looked up over his shoulder for me. " Mam-mee" he said. "Uh oh". I ran up to him. He was on all fours, in a fresh cow pat.

Hmm....where do you start?

07 October 2008

A happy day

I feel a need to document this because it is icing on the cake. It starts of somewhat sadly but the ending is happy.

When I was pregnant with Munchkin, a colleague announced that she was in the same, happy boat. We talked briefly about having the children (our due dates were only 2 weeks apart) and being ladies that lunch. We talked about how we were feeling and how fat we were getting. We had lots to look forward to. We even had the same midwife as we live within 10 minutes drive of each other.

Then one day, when I was about 30 weeks pregnant, I got a phonecall from home. I remember having to hold back tears while someone told me that my colleague had lost her precious one. I remember not knowing how to feel. I didn't know how to react and I remember not being able to stop crying for quite a while.

We haven't really talked about it but today she appear at my desk at work. She stood there with a huge grin on her face, pointed at her tummy and gave me two thumbs up! I could have squealed the house down (I am not over excitable and are not driven by my emotions at all, honest! Chief Oracle is probably chuckling to herself now!) but all I wanted to do was throw my arms around her and give her a HUGE hug. I did just that.

Nothing was said nor did it need to be said. I have had a secret prayer for a while that this would happen and that the would receive the blessing that we have in Munchkin. Today, that prayer was answered. And today my belief that all prayers are answered and all wishes can come true is reaffirmed. The miracle of life, once again leaves me in awe.

05 October 2008

Happy Ah Ee day!

Today is my sister's (Ah Ee). She is 28 today. Wah! Lau Liau nu!

We have postponed celebrations till December. Ah Ee's second birthday (like the queen one official and one not) is 2oth December. We shall celebrate together then.

I bet I know what she is doing on her birthday. My sister recently become a proud home owner so I guess she will be busy scrubbing, cleaning the house or painting. If she is not at work, that is. She works very hard and for that and for all that she is I am very proud of her. Or she could be indulging in her next favourite past time, shopping for things for Munchkin, probably shoes.

We have had a funny relationship over the years. We drifted apart while I was away at school here. But since we have both been working, our relationship has gotten pretty indestructable. Yes we still do have cat fights, we still say things to each other in the heat of the moment that we don't really mean. We still agree to disagree. But with all that is said and done we know one thing, we can be open and honest about all things (well, most things ; P) without feeling like we are treading on eggshells.

I rely on her to prop me up, to reassure and most of all, to have a good old moan and rant about things so that I can move on.

She doesn't judge, she doesn't presume, she isn't in it so that she can get something out of it. She is all a sister should be and so much more. And she is mine! Happy birthday Ah Ee! See you soon.

04 October 2008


Get me out of here! My parents have dressed me up like a trussed up fowl and taken me out to town. When we walked into the butchers' I thought I would be up for sale to the highest bidder for Sunday lunch. But they seemed to be more interested in the sausages on display. Phew! A lucky escape for me.

It is quite a good coat I think. For one it is too long in the sleeves so I can flap my way down the pavement. Nothing like a bit of momentum to propel me forward. Mummy said I am windpowered, like daddy. I thought, that is very green coming from someone that works in the new-key-ear industry.

P/S Mummy took the picture hence its "Specialness". She needs help that woman, even more so than I do!

Munchkin, munchkin quite a pumpkin

OK...it is a watering can. What do you want me to do with it?
Water the plants? OK....not a job too great for the Munchkin.

Err....there seems to be a slight oversight on your part, a small flaw ,
perhaps? There is no water in the watering can.

I'll take a closer look if you want. But I assure you, there is NO water in there.

Definitely no water....smells a bit funny though. What do you mean what have YOU done Munchkin? I haven't done anything!
I am merely pointing out that there is NO water in the watering can. What good is a watering can if there is no water in it, mother?

02 October 2008

Wonderful news week

It has been a week of good news. Poppins' daughter has passed her driving test. She is Munchkin's favourite girl in the world (ever). If Carlsberg could make a girl for Munchkin, Wawwie would be her. He ADORES her. And she always gives him cuddles. It is a mutual love thing.

We also got news that one of my dearest friends is going to be wed and that we will be going to share in the happiness and celebrations on 1st November in Dartmouth. I booked the accomodation this week. Times change. BM (Before Munchkin), I would have not had very stringent criteria for accomodation. But since he is now very much here, I had toring up and ask if the room in question had a bathroom big enough for a travel cot. The lady at the other end did have rather a good chuckle.

It will be Munchkin's first wedding. And what a wedding to start of with, the wedding of my "big sister" and Munchkin's God Mummy. Munchkin's wardrobe for the occasion has been decided. Now we just need to sort ourselves out.

And then there could be more.........but that will be for later

29 September 2008

Last week, in words

Munchkin is in da cave

It has been a busy week. I have been with my Poppins every day and I have been nice to her. She has described me as cute and adorable so I guess my mission there is done. Wrapped. Around my little finger. I have figured out that al I need to do is say "Please please please" while nodding vigourously and quickly followed by saying "Yes yes yes". I then get anything I want. Haha! Today chocolate croissants, tomorrow the world! Mwahhahahahah!

I also managed to fleece half a waffle, some pikelets, cheese scones, a bourbon cream and anything going really. Can you spot the common theme?

Mummy has been carrying out Munchkin appetite tests as well. She has introduced me to fish fingers, salmon fishcakes, tuna fishcakes, Munchkin burgers, meatballs and fish goujons (like fish fingers except mummy made them herself with haddock fish) Everything was REALLY nice. I ate every single crumb. I can polish off 8 meatballs now...and I love it if the meatballs have a bit of melted cheese on top too! Those are extra nice.

I have also gotten to know the neighbours. I like calling out to "Mak" "Bigbee", "Wawwy", "Jee" and "Pebby". I also like waving thank you to the nice motorists that give mummy the right of way( when she really doesn't deserve it - but she is a girl). I like books particularly the ones with animals in it. I also love my Shissss. They are tiger striped ones that my Ah Ee bought me. Mummy says that there are more where that came from. Hmm. Ah Ee must have a Shiss plant that bears fruit a couple of times a year then.

All airplanes contain my Mamah. She has gone home to Malaysia but will be back soon at Miss Mass.

It has been a good 15 months. Don't tell THEM that though....as they will stop trying. Already they have started saying No to me, the Munchkin. I do put up a fight. Sometimes I look very sad, sometimes I throw myself on the floor and cry (I do peep to see if they are paying attention), sometimes I can actually squeeze so hard I manage to make real tears flow...all this is all well and good at Poppins but Mummy and Daddy don't fall for it. I must think of something else to make them melt. This is my mission. I will succeed. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but I, Munchkin will find a way. I will conquer the parents. Someday!

28 September 2008

Sleeping Bunnies

If you (once again) ignore the backing vocals this could be quite amusing. One of Munchkin's favourite tunes is "Sleeping Bunnies". He is somewhat a very enthusiastic bunny. Sleeping is not what he likes to do for very long. Nor is staying still.

He is growing. Too fast. Every day is precious. This past week (after discussions with the Chief Oracle, Ah Ee and Mamah), Munchkin has experienced a menu revamp. This week we have mainly been indulging in meatballs with pasta, fishcakes, fish fingers, burgers and sausages. Munchkin has loved every moment. He is back on his food. Puddings too are not to be missed. His current favorite is summer pudding. A strange choice for someone who doesn't really like strawberries.

He is most amusing. He now knows what some of our neighbours are called and shouts to them by name (not rank, how rude but we are working on that!) He also loves to watch the hot air balloons drift past. He loves the planes, the gliders and the 'copters. He loves watering the plants and smelling all the late blooms. He loves his Friday afternoon's at Westonbirt with his friends, De-den (Aiden), doo-des(Joseph), Mat-hu (Matthew) and Meeliee-yaa (Amelia).

He loves the outdoors and is always ready for a wok wok wok (walk). Although he always makes sure that he has his Shisss (shoes) on. And when it is cold he always wants his coat.

He is changing every day. With each day he continues to fill us with wonder and with that comes unquestioning, unconditional love.

20 September 2008

Mum is the word

He's done it. He's said it. He has made my whole life today.

Today, my littleMunchkin, looked at me and said..."Mam-mee, mamee-mamee"

The sun is shining, the birds are singing. All is well.

18 September 2008

Sniffle, splutter, snot

Munchkin is with cold once more. By my calculations, he has had a cold every 8 weeks or so. Seeing that he is only just over 60 weeks old that is quite a few colds. He is once more taking it in his stride. He is teary but not crying, congested but not bunged up(yet) and not feeling the best but not wallowing in it. He also has lots of teeth erupting but still, he stays cheerful and is getting very amusing indeed.

He amazes me. We have been looking through historic blogs recently. Remember the one at Christmas 2008? He very seriously told me (on prompting of course, he is no genius after all), the 3 people are Da-dee, Bo-bee(he calls himself this) and Mee-Mee (I guess, by process of deduction, that means me!)

He declared the other day that his morning milk was " 'ot! 'ot!" then started blowing at it. He insists on giving "duddles" to everyone including his "babbit" He cries a little but giggles and awful lot. If you time it right and ask him a question you get the response "(Y)es!" followed by a mad nodding frenzy.

He has also concluded that every (heli)copter has got as a passenger his Mamah, who will be bak thoo(n).

Some days I am not sure that things are getting easier, but every day I know that things are getting better and certainly more amusing.

14 September 2008

It came, it blew, it left.

Texan update.

The Chief Oracle has spoken. All is well. It has been a long night in Texas but Ike has now gone left the Texans to pick up the pieces.

The cupboard under the stairs kept them safe. They are without a fence and have probably a lot of tidying up to do in the yard that is littered with palm fronds etc but they are safe.

I am awaiting news from Miss Texas. Her take on things is always a little more interesting than any other take and a tad more amusing. We await. Till then I think that we are going to celebrate with a strawberry milkshake and some chocklit!

13 September 2008

The things children say

Kids do say the strangest things. For example, Miss Texas was recently ask to give her teacher an example of opposites. I rather suspect the teacher was expecting something like boy is the opposite of girl or mummy is the opposite of daddy. I am also rather certain that because teacher has been in the business a while she would not have been easily surprised by the answer. However, Miss Texas must have had something else in mind when she calmly exclaimed that "evaporation is the opposite of condensation".

Nothing extraordinary there then, I hear you cynically say. No, nothing extraordinary, really, except that Miss Texas is not yet 5. She is an amazing kid and we are all very quietly smug and proud.

I can't wait to hear her take on sheltering from Hurricane Ike, which is passing over Houston this weekend. Watch this space.....

06 September 2008

Manual Handling

I recently attended "Safety Day" training at work. This involved a day being reminded about fire safety, human performance tools, environmental and radiological safety and lifting techniques.

If you, once again ignore the voice of the over enthusiastic idiot in the back ground, this could make quite an amusing piece of teaching material for the latter. Now there is an idea.

Check out the bent knees and the neutral spine!

05 September 2008

Em Em Arrrrrrr

Munchkin here.

It has been a bit of a full on week for me although I did stay home with mummy on Tuesday due to my temporary transformation into a chunder cat. It was ok, or so I thought until I woke from my lunchtime snooze.

When I woke, daddy was home. Now, I should have noted this and realised that something was on the cards. As I, Munchkin, am not the suspicious sort I just thought that he was home to play prod the pegs with me, or even better still, chase the cat. I should also have been listening more closely to mummy chanting as she got me ready to go out....it went something like"get him in his coat, strap him in the car, Munchkin's got to have his Em Em Arrrr"

I thought we were going to see little miss Texas with the lovely hair and that we were going to play "Rarrrrr" like the tigers. So you can imagine my surprise when we pulled out at Nice Nursey's Nest. They had laid on some nice new toys for me so I thought I would just go with the flow until.....they brought the nasty needles out. At first I thought they were for daddy. He was after all sitting in the chair nearest Nursey. But before I could say "Unhand me!" the needle got me. Not once. But twice.

I made my displeasure known and insisted that I wanted to "Dohrrrrr! Bye bye! Dohrrrr! Bye bye!" Mummy gave me a great big kiss and cuddle which made me feel a bit better. Daddy told me he was proud of me and that I was a very brave boy. Nursey gave me a little stroke but best of all Mummy gave me a nice cookie. That made it all better and I ate it all up!

Nasty but nice nursey did say that we wouldn't be seeing her now till I go to School. That is a long time away. Which is not a bad thing.

There is something in the oven

Don't get too excited. It is most definitely NOT a bun.

If you listen very carefully (and ignore that annoying woman's voice in the background), Munchkin does try to tell you.

02 September 2008


It started as every day starts, with the chirp of the alarm clock and churrups from the girls. All went smoothly apart from the bit where the irresponsible parent (not mentioning which one.....) forgot to warm Munchkin's milk up. He drank it though so we thought nothing of it.

Nothing...until just as we pulled up outside Poppins' house. A fountain of water and curd cheese sprang forth from the Munchkin. If I wer pretentious enough, I would have likened him to a cherubim in the Trevi fountain, giving forth life giving, thirst quenching water with a little added extra. I am not so inclined. It was VILE. It was more like the scene out of the Exorcist minus the 360 degree head rotation.

Operation clean up commenced immediately. Munchkin was disrobed in the back of the car, changed and given to Poppins' for a bout of temporary entertainment. I busied myself cleaning up what can only be described as a well coated car seat (thank heavens for washable covers)

Still we got him home and he is, fine. The only thing that upset him was that he was hungry. So breakfast was administered swiftly followed by a handful of dry cereal. He has been playing all morning taking time out to wave at the dustmen and has just gone up for a sleep

Meanwhile, the cleaning staff has set to work on said car seat.....update on success to follow

31 August 2008

A Close Shave

We decided today (on the anniversary of independence of Malaysia, no less) that Munchkin needed a hair cut. So after his tea, before his bath, our resident Sweeney Todd (without the gore) and Barber of Seville set to work.
Munchkin was very co-operative. He has to be very patient with the parents he has got.

Anyway, here is the end result. No, he ie NOT posing. It is the only way we could get him to stay still for more that 2 seconds. Both ears intact, I might add.

30 August 2008

Oh where,oh where...

Today's car conversation went like this:

Munchkin: Mamah?
Me: Mamah has gone home to Malaysia, Munchkin.
Munchkin: Mamah?
Me: She has gone home, darling. She'll be back soon at Christmas
Munchkin: Mamah bye
Me: Yes, bye but back soon.
Munchkin: Mamah

29 August 2008

I am into my music!

Mummy and Daddy in conjunction with Ah Ee thought they would start me off on some sort of music. I think I make good tunes. But I thought, good tunes are not enough. I need to eat, sleep and breathe music....so here I am, quite literally IN to my music machine.
P/S I did get a bit stuck and needed a hand escaping.

Scenes from the airport

One Munchkin and his 'Mamah'!

14 months,I am.

Munchkin doing his Yoda impression. Or perhaps it is his littlest ASBO impression. Depends how you choose to look at it...and what mood the Munchkin is in.

Munchin is 14 months old tomorrow. He is a fully signed up member of the upright club. He has 14 teeth (what a coincidence). He makes a very convincing cat. He loves his Tigger shoes so much Poppins had to put him down for a nap in them. He is also very fond of his new rucksack which he takes for walks every day. He likes "Chissss" after his tea and he is rather partial to a sip of Daddy's Rooibos tea.

But above all else, he is a happy boy. And happy we hope he will be for a long, long time.

26 August 2008

How difficult can it be?

While travelling home from work last Friday avec Munchkin the windscreen of my car was hit by a rather large rock. This caused a crack to propogate across the windscreen. Munchkin was most impressed...."ooh!" he cooed. "uh oh!" he said.

Still, this meant that I had to sort out getting the windscreen replaced ASAP. So, I dutifuly made a call to my insurer who provided me with a contact number at a "fix my windscreen quick" place. It was agreed that Mr Fix It would come out to the power station and fix it at the car park. Excellent I thought, no need to take a day off work (hence more days in the bank to take over Christmas!)

The bank holiday weekend then came and went too quickly and we found ourselves at work. At exactly the time promised, Mr Fix It turned up. However, when i went to get him he said that he would rather work under cover as the dark clouds did not bode well. I tried to tell him that the weather was always bleak over the Severn but he wouldn't take my word for it.

Plan B then. There was only one garage on site. In order to gain access and permission for work to be done , I had to get special dispensation. So I rang a colleague who had the power to say yes. He wasn't there! So I rang my boss...who wasn't there so in the end I had to get the site director on the phone (my boss' boss). He was very good although he wondered why the deed couldn't be done in the car park.

But that was not the end of it. I then had to get Mr Fix It's vehicle searched and to ensure that Mr Fix It was in my sight for the whole hour he was on site. I also had to escort Mr Fix It off site and the nice men in security had to fill out lot of bits of paper.

All is well that ends well though. The windscreen is fixed and has withstood the test of rain. I will just say that it took almost as long to get all the necessary authorisations to do the work as it did to complete the actual work!

25 August 2008

More Morose Munchkin

Munchkin is still down in the dumps and he is still in search of his Mamah.

He searched for her on waking, he searched for her at breakfast (he had cereal he wanted to share) and he searched for her on his post lunch walk, going "Boo, Mamah" round corners. His daily inspection of the drains outside the house and his assessment of the "Darr-tee" nature of them was not echoed today. He looked round for someone to concur "mamah?" he said, but there was no one there.

So we phoned Mamah today to make sure that she had got back ok. She had. She too is feeling very lost without her Kim Soon. But she has got her work cut out as she has now got to get used to looking after Ah Kong again....a little more challenging than Munchkin, I am sure!

24 August 2008

Morose Munchkin

Munchkin is a sad little monster. Today he had to wave bye bye to his Ah Ma....his ma-mah. It is by her side that he learnt to take his first unaided steps, it is in her company that he first uttered a fair few new words, it was on her knee that he first learnt the meaning of "relax" and it is in parting with her today that he first broke our hearts.

It was dark, cold and grey. We had already said our good byes at the departure gate. Munchkin had been fine and was not really too fussed about it all. The adults had had tears and hugs and kisses. But Munchkin, well, he was just interested in going through the "DOHRrrr" of the lift. But then as I stood holding him in the carpark, we heard a plaintive little cry of "Mamah?" "Mamah?". Holding back tears (this is both of us I might add!), we had to explain that she had gone home on a aeroplane and that she would be back soon. The murmurs of "mamah" didn't stop and neither did the waving at the aeroplanes taking off and the blowing of kisses to the sky.

He seemed ok once we got home but this evening as we sat outside, warmed by a rare burst of sunshine, he pointed upwards at some planes overhead and said rather sadly "Mamah" as he waved frantically and blew a hundred kisses to the sky. Suddenly, it the world felt cold again despite the clear blue sky above and the sound of the birds was drowned out by the soft voice of a sad little boy.

"Only with the agony of parting, do we look into the depths of love"

23 August 2008

The world's best

Deposit account is my mother. For years I have invested all sorts. Happiness, joy, tears, frustrations, needs, cross words but she is ever still abundant and uncompromising, unconditional with her love despite it all. She takes the good, the bad and the ugly, works her magic and makes the good, better, the bad good and the ugly....well,even Mama's magic can't do very much about that but she does try to make it all a little bit more presentable.

Mama has been here for a month. It has been a month of sorts, with work and tiredness getting in the way, not to mention Munchkin's Malady and and munchy nashers.

What sort of a month has it been, really? Well, the tangible first. We have a happy, happy Munchkin who has really got to know his Ah Ma. He has learnt so much andhas given so much in return. He never goes to bed without giving his Mamah a kiss and a cuddle and everytime he has something nice to eat his Mamah gets some too. He has taken to cuddling up to her for a story and he also loves taking her out for a walk. He has enjoyed her company and she his.

We also have no washing or ironing backlog. Every thing is clean and in its place. We have lot of yummy delights in the freezer too.

But most of all I think is the precious time spent. It has been nice to come home to Mama in the evening knowing that there will be a funny story to share, a laugh to have and a kiss good night. After all, "now, as always, the most automted appliance in the world is a mother".

It wasn't easy for her to decide to spend a whole month away from Malaysia and from Papa but still she did make the long journey here to lend a hand. As ever, selfless and putting aside any of her needs and priorities she once again made us first. A lesson to be learnt, that certain something to be aspired to and the certain someone who continues to inspire.

20 August 2008

What's in a word?

Munchkin is being very vocal. I think that it is the time he is spending with his Ah Mah (who I inherit my chattiness from)

A typical conversation goes like this:
Me: Morning Munchkin
Munchkin: "OOoh! Up! Up! Up! OOhh! Moke! (milk)Moke! Moke! Moke!" Daddeeee? Dadeeee? Wok Wok Wok(work)?
Me: Yes, darling daddy has gone to work in his car.
Munchkin: Voom! Voom! Voom! Byeeeee!
Me: Is that how Daddy's car goes?
Munchkin: 'essss! (yes)

Munchkin has also got a building repertoire of animal sounds. So far we have had, moo for cows, sssss for snakes, roarrrr for tigers, woof for dogs. quack for ducks and mauuuuuuu for cats. We also have actions for flying birds and woodpeckers.

He also says "Hiya!" and "Bye". But best of all, he says "Mam Mah" and he has chosen to say this while his Ah Ma is here. I think he reckons that his Mam Mah can rescue him from his evil parents.....and I know given the chance she would (although she is pretty scarily strict herself!)

12 August 2008

Love is in the air

Our girls don't feature very much here so I thought it was high time. Here is Mishi. She is at the height of contentment. You see, her Ah Ma is visiting. She is secretly in love with her Ah Ma as her Ah Ma gives her love and affection and protects her fom Munchkin.

She makes it a point to snuggle up to her Ah Ma each evening especially if Ah Ma has, because of her aversion from the cold, draped a blanket over her feet. (as seen above)

Ah Ma is doing very well. She has Munchkin well trained now. He knows how to "relax" while reading a book, he knows to wait while she gets his "chissss" and he makes it a point to get the "keeesss" for the "dohrr". Munchkin calls out "mamah! mamah!" everytime he has some spare "chissss" then feeds it to her.

I think it is safe to say that love is definitely in the air with a bit of adoration thrown in as well.

By the way, Ah Ma is not in the shot above as she did not have any lipstick on hence, was not presentable to the public!

10 August 2008

Bumbling along!

Happy, happy days! Munchkin is on the move and very vocal. I really must start writing down what he says as I am sure it will make for amusing reading one day. haha!

02 August 2008

Oriental Princesses

Now there is a sight for sore eyes. The Texans dressed up as oriental princesses. Just beautiful!

Cheeky Chick

Munchkin's expression is testament to why the Chief Oracle is so named. The Chief Oracle knows good toys.

Munchkin has been in need of a little cheer. He has been with cold for the last two days. In fact, he had to be evacuated from Poppins' on Thursday after spewing forth a projectile of blueberries and bananas. The throw was better than the British Standard requirement for a fire hydrant. Saying that though, Munchkin wondered (post event) what all the fuss was about and proceeded to try and clean up....with his bare hands.

Still, these things happen. He is well really. Just a bit of the sniffles. Fortunately, he is not yet old enough to be afflicted with a Man cold.

29 July 2008

One little step for Munchkin

Munchkin is mobile! He is on the move! Today he decided that he was going to do some walking round the living room, all on his own.

We have a toddler in the house. This can be verified and has been witnessed by a third party independent assessor.

23 July 2008

Who moved my cheese?

Munchkin loves cheese. Cheddar and Brie particularly. No matter how much he has eaten, he always has room for a wafer thin slice of cheese (well, more like a wedge actually)

21 July 2008

Feathered friends

We are very fortunate with where we live. Every morning, we count our blessings.

Recently, we have had a visit from our very special neighbours. Munchkin was made up. As a result, he now always throws some bread to the ground...just in case his feathered friends make a return visit.

20 July 2008

Can you guess what it is yet?

Sometimes words are just not enough.....

18 July 2008

What can you see?

A happy little boy or baby road rage (complete with "giving the bird")?

12 July 2008

They are here!!!

The texans are here at last. I have been waiting Aaaaggggesss to see them. And boy, was it worth the wait!

Big miss texas, little miss texas and the chief oracle popped by yesterday for a visit. Big miss was dressed in pink(well, obviously!) and had the most fab pair of technicolour trainers on. Little miss was a picture of serenity...she was asleep so chief oracle plonked her on the sofa where she continued her slumber (though I don't know how she managed it with all the racket the rest of us were generating)

It was great to catch up...my friendship with the Chief Oracle a special one. We seem to be able to pick up a conversation despite having not seen each other for nearly seven months. It is a nice feelng.

Big Miss Texas proceeded to read to me. Level 8 Peter and Jane books, no less! The child is only four and a half and has the reading age of a seven year old! Amazing...but so nice to see her really enjoying her reading.

When Little Miss Texas awoke, we decided it was time for Munchkin to wake also. And they all had great fun playing. All together again...for now!

09 July 2008

The Texan invasion!

They are BACK! The Texans are back in blighty.

Wonder how the grey, wet and windy weather is being received by a certain young lady.

06 July 2008

A sister.......

shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.

Tomorrow is a very important day in the life of my sister (Ah Ee to Munchkin). To say that I am proud of her would be an understatement.

Tomorrow, my little sister will move into her own home. I know she has worked hard for years and saved hard to make this day happen. Tomorrow, she will sleep on her own bed under her own roof. Tomorrow, is a new beginning for her. Full of promise, hope and joy!

Happy New Home Ah Ee! Munchkin is looking forward to visiting Ah Ee in her new house. Apparently, he has his very own room. Ah Ee says that she is going to paint his room blue (Blue is for boys!)

Congratulations Ah Ee! Thank you for sharing your dreams with me and for being a part of my dreams.

One boy and his Ah Kong

Munchkin got very attached to his Ah Kong during his short stay in exotic places. Every day, Ah Kong would go shopping to get Munchkin fresh fruit and yoghurt. Every day, Ah Kong would rush home from work to take Munchkin for his pre-dinner walk to the park to play football with the big boys. Ah Kong also used to take Munchkin for an after dinner stroll up and down the house (as there are always too many mosquitos outside!) Most days, Ah Kong would forget to take his statutory hot drink and biscuit on arrival home as soon as he set eyes on Munchkin!
Munchkin would stop anything he was doing when he heard the rattle of Ah Kong's keys at the gate. He would crawl very quickly towards the gate to greet his Ah Kong then lift his arms up to Ah Kong for a cuddle.

Upon return home, Munchkin was shown this photo of him with his Ah Kong. He lit up. Smiled and lifted his arms up to be cuddled. But the picture didn't respond. He looked round and tried again. But still no cuddles. His little mouth turned down, his bottom lip quiverred and he cried for a good while pointing to the photo which we eventually had to hide away. Poor Munchkin. Ah Kong misses Munchkin also. Thank goodness Ah Kong and Ah Ma will be coming to England for Christmas with Munchkin. I don't think any of us could stand keeping those two apart for much longer than that! See you soon, Ah Kong!

Munchkin Day take 1

Happy 1st Birthday Munchkin!

Its on FIRE!

Let me at it! Let me eat cake!

Cake at last!

Memories of Kuantan

Munchkin and Ah Ee having a little giggle outside A Famosa in Melaka

Munchkin: "Look, look, look, Ah Ma!"

Munchkin: "Hmm...I best make an attempt to smile out of respect for my Ah Toh"

That was worth it...there's money in it for me!

Munchkin and his Youngest Great Aunt

Munchkin in his paddling pool with his favourite purple duck (I wonder why it is purple, Mama?)
Munchkin came, he laugh, he cuddled and he will be back again very soon!

01 July 2008

These shoes were made for...

Munchkin! Thank you Ah Ee!
Ah Ee bought these for Munchkin while he as on his exotic holidays. They were an early birthday present. He quite likes them particularly the little tiggers on the side. Munchkin is a monster after his mummy's own heart...you can never have too many pairs of shoes.

30 June 2008

Munchkin Day

Munchkin is 1 today! However, Munchkin has already had 2 birthday celebrations. The first one was with Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Ah Ee in Kuantan. More pictures to follow!

29 June 2008

Miserable Munchkin

When we picked Munchkin up from Mary Poppins' house on Friday after work he was a sad Munchkin. He had a temperature and his face looked like the slug population of the world had moved in to stay. He was not a happy Munchkin.

He continued to go downhill and on Saturday he couldn't eat a thing. Now, Munchkin loves his food and when he refuses to eat something is very, very wrong. He even refused his bed time bottle. A very rare occurence. All three of us, T & I and Grandee (who had come to visit for the weekend) were very worried indeed. So much so we were forced to resort to lots and lots of wine with our dinner as it made it all better for a while.

This morning though, we were greeted by a different Munchkin. He wasn't crying and even managed a bit of a smile. By lunchtime (after he polished off a huge amount of grub and ten some) he was back to his old Munchie self....all in good time for his Munchkin day tomorrow!

26 June 2008

Has he had sugar?

This was taken on our last day in Malaysia. We had just checked into the airport hotel. Ah Ee had arrived and was playing a great game with Munchkin.

He was on something that day. Whatever it was, it made him a very excited little boy!

24 June 2008

When I was nearly one.....

Munchkin and his Merry Mates had their birthday party over the weekend. It was held at Mu's house.

We arrived at Mu's house to find huge helium balloon's in the shape of the number 1 outside! Indoors there were banners saying Happy Birthday and more balloons...blue for the boys and pink for Mu. Each balloon had a baby's name written in glitter. It all looked very festive indeed!

The gazebo was up and the ground sheets were down. There were slides and tunnels and a ball pit. The children had a fine time! The adults did to judging from the number of empties that had collected by the end of the afternoon. Munchkin particularly enjoyed the slide and the ball pit (well, tidying up by picking up all the balls outside the ball pit and putting them back into said pit)

Munchkin survived the day without a nap but promptly fell asleep as soon as he got in the car. All that excitement and jollity must have worn Munchkin out (not to mention the kissing sessions with Mu and Dougal!)

19 June 2008

Social Engagements

Munchkin has been a busy boy this week. On Tuesday, Mary Poppins took him on a teddy bear's picnic. For this Munchkin had to bring a teddy. To make the selection , I dangled munchkin into his toy box and he emerged clutching one in his hand (very similar in principle to one of those fair ground grab a prize machines, really!)

Munchkin had a great time. He even ventured off the rug and onto the grass. We have Ah Kong and Ah Ma to thank for this as before his exotic adventure, munchkin was not very keen on the feel of grass. He loves it now. Sometimes he behaves in the manner of a lawn mower and pulls the grass out too (just to keep it all tidy of course)

Yesterday, Munchkin went for soft play. Mary Poppins was very proud of him as he was a very brave little Munchkin and ventured off on his own into the big ball pit and into tunnels all on his own. He loved it! And, he even came back once in a while to cuddle Mary in case she felt left out and abandoned as big people weren't allowed to play in the pit.

Today, Munchkin is off to toddlers' and another picnic. Tomorrow, Munchkin is having all his friends round to show off his new play mat and various other foreign acquisitions. To top it all off, on Saturday we are all going to Melie Mu's house for a special Birthday party for all 5 of the gang. It has been a busy week and he has loved every minute! Hurrah!

17 June 2008

Munchkin's Lergy

Munchkin is 'Lergic. Yesterday, Mary Poppins took him to the Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust to see the ducks. He had a lovely time.

When we went to pick him up, Mary presented us with a very puffy Munchkin with streaming eyes and trails where the friendly slugs had been. Mary was distraught. He was a very sniffly Munchkin and he looked sad.

We have decided that perhaps Munchkin's association with ducks should be confined to the plastic ones with bright orange beaks, like the ones he has in the bath rather than the feathered friends that quack. Munchkin's bath ducks quack too of course, and sound remarkably like Daddy.

Poor Munchkin. Still, he remains a bundle of giggles

15 June 2008

Daddy Day

Munchkin here. Writing upon return from my adventures to the tropics. I don't know what the parents were fretting about. Easy Peasy. The trick is, pick a victim (nice, pretty ladies are best)smile coyly, look up from under your lashes, tip you head slightly to rest on your shoulder then do a little giggle. They fall for it everytime. As a reward you get given biscuits, bananas, treats, new toys, cuddles and kisses. Very simple, yet very effective.

Anyway, last night the adults went to see Mr Charity Ball, a friend of little Mu's Mummy and Daddy. Apparently, they organ-niced him whatever that means? Daddy was keen to go as his good friend Mr Al Kohol (that lives in the hole in the garage) was going to be there too and Daddy said that there is a lot of him to go around so I guess (never having met him before) he must be one of those generously proportioned people. Cuddly, as mummy would say.

I had had enough of them anyway (three weeks on holiday!) so I let them on their merry way. AND I let them have a lie in as it is my first Daddy Day.

Mary Poppins and I had made Daddy a special treat and a card. I love my Daddy very much. He is the best. He lets me ride on his shoulders way up high, he lets me drum on his tummy and he also lets me play with his spiky hair. He gives me cuddles and kisses and calls me Sweetheart (though I am sure he has never tasted it) and Darling. He also calls me monster but monsters can be nice like in Monsters Inc. When I grow up I hope Daddy will be proud of me like I am proud to have him as my Daddy. The bestest Daddy in the world.

Mummy rang Ah Kong to wish him Happy Ah Kong Day. I wished Ah Kong too. And I sent him a kiss over the phone. Mummy said to stop slobbering over it. I wasn't - it was just a very nice long kiss. The woman. No sense.

Cinders shall go to the ball

We were dirty stop outs last night. After having a bit of a manic day with visits from the hair dresser and Magic Maggie, we accelerated Munchkin evening schedule by an hour. We had to get him in bed by 1900 in order to catch our carriage to a swanky hotel for a charity ball. It all went without a hitch and Munchin as ever was very co-operative. Our carriage in the form of a Ka driven by J's Daddy arrived just before 1930 and we headed off into the sunset.

It was a grand do. The meal was nice, the wine flowed (but not freely!) and the company was excellent. There was a raffle (fantatic prizes!) and an auction (you could actually but the services of a man or even three)

We danced and pranced and sang till the wee hours - we lost track of time. We meant to get home for midnight but by the time any of us checked it was 0100!!!! There was a mad scramble into the Ka. J's Daddy promptly fell asleep. T was direction giver and J's mummy drove us safely home. And not a minute too soon. Profuse apologies were made to Aunty Mo who babysat. Fortunately, Munchkin did not make one peep. And as a bonus for Daddy day Munchkin didn't call for us till 0900 this morning! Nice, Nice Munchkin!

14 June 2008

Munchkin's BIG Adventure

The hiatus is over. We survived the two 12.5 hour plane journeys to Malaysia and back. Jet lag, fortunately was non-existent going out and minimal coming back. Munchkin even had a lie in this morning till about 0815. All is well apart from absence has indeed, made the heart grow fonder. I miss Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Ah Ee very much. Munchkin does too. He also misses Ah Mah's fan and has a funny habit of looking for it at any opportunity

We had a great time. Ah Ee took us to historic Melaka where we indulged in some decadent Malaysian desserts e.g. Ais Kacang and Cendul. Munchkin was a tourist attraction at A Famosa, the ruins of a Portugese fort. T also was a bit of an attraction, some little girls on a school trip got him to pose for a photograph with them!

We returned to Kuantan on Sunday 25th May. What a welcome! Ah Mah and Ah Kong rushed out the door, we were pushed aside after a quick hello and a hug and kiss. They wanted their Kim Soon (Golden Grandchild), Munchkin. There were tears of joy. They whisked him off to see his room and all the goodies and treats within. Wah! Munchkin tried out his new cot and played with all his new toys then later had a dip in the paddling pool, commando style!

Then the adults got down to business in the manner of good, respectable, chinese people....FOOD. Satay with peanut sauce and all the trimmings, curry mee, kon low mee, hokkien mee, roti canai etc. Ah Ma cooked T's favourite Kong Bak (pork belly braised in dark soy) and mui choi (pickled vegetables and pork braised in soy). We ate, drank and were very merry.

Ah Ma's words are echoing now in my ear (for once it is not a nag!), she said "There will always be plenty of love here for you" Without this love, a house would remain just that, bricks and mortar (with some asbestos thrown in!). With love (and believe me, the river of love has burst its banks here) the home emerges, full of joy, happiness and warmth. Each and everytime, it feels just like walking into a huge, warm, welcoming hug. And above all that, there is always unconditional, abundant, love.

21 May 2008

33 hours long

It is going to be a long 33 hours. But in some ways 33 hours does not seem enough. We have got to finish packing, tidying up after ourselves and somehow in all the chaos, we have got to get ourselves to the airport on time.

Interesting times ahead....but so worth it in the end!

17 May 2008


It is a strange feeling. We are leaving England on Thursday for Malaysia. It is like going home to a home that isn't anymore, yet is. It remains home because my mum and dad and sister are still there. But is isn't home because my family i.e. T and Munchkin are here in England.

I have been looking forward to this for a long time. To return, to the place of my birth with my first born. It is going to be a special moment. I know my parents and sister have been waiting a lifetime for this. I have too. Munchkin is of an age where he will be very entertaining. We have , today, bought him a few surprises for the journey. He has some new toys, some new books and a new case (thanks Chief Oracle, without whom we would not have acquired such a funky case for Munchkin!)as shown above.

This week at work is going to drag. I just want to get on that plane and feel the humidity of my second home again. I can just, if I close my eyes, smell the spice. But more importantly, I can, if I close my eyes and concentrate, feel the hugs of my very own mama, papa and meimei, a feeling that is second to none in this world. It just feels like coming home and I can't wait!

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

And I'm leavin' on a jet plane, I don't know when I'll back again
Munchkin is packed. It is about 5 days till we take off to sunny (and very hot and humid) Malaysia to see the folks and Ah ee.
Preparations have been a bit OTT though. Ah Ma and Ah Kong have extended their porch to accomodate the new paddling pool that they have bought for Munchkin. There is, I am told, also a family of ducks waiting to meet Munchin.
We are very excited. We started packing today. We are travelling light to make room for Munchkin's food and a few new toys for the flight. We even treated Munchkin to a new suitcase.. an early birthday present. I want one too. Well, really I got it because I want one but need a Munchkin excuse to get one. There is a whole range...Munchkin might acquire them by accident.....through the year. The duffle bag and back pack are next me thinks. I can't wait to get to Malaysia. It has been too long.

14 May 2008

Chillin' with Mr Al

The summer is officially here....for a while anyway. Munchkin has been spending a lot of time with Mr Al (fresco not chohol, that lives in the hole in the floor in the garage). He loves being outside but is very skeptical about wearing his sun hat. The only way we can get it to stay on is distracting him with a toy or with food.
Still, he is ever, Munchkin. Never a dull moment. Particularly as T decided that it was a good idea to give him a bowl of water wth ice cubes floating in it to play with. Needless to say, it was a good job the sun was out as we had to hang Munchkin out to dry about 5 seconds after the bowl of water and Munchkin were introduced. I only hope that Ah Ma is ready for the Tsuna-Munch effect next week!

13 May 2008

Here I stand!

On Sunday night, in the bath, Munchkin pulled himself up and stood on his own for the very first time!

10 May 2008

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

It is, at long last starting to look like the winter has left us. And about time too! Our three Clematis are in bloom as a result! The Sweet Williams and Lilies are also on their way, promising lots of cheerful colour this summer!
We are all very glad to see the end of what can only be described as a grey, dreary and wet few months. April showers started in February and didn't really go till late last week.

But this week, it has been a lovely. We have had some really nice days but have been hard at work so haven't really been able to enjoy the sunshine as a family. We are making up for it this weekend though. Today, we walked into Nailsworth for a few bits and bobs for a BBQ, which will take place tonight.

T has been workin hard in the garden, cutting the grass and tidying up the flower beds. He is trying to get used to the heat a we are off to Ah Ma and Ah Kong's in 2 weeks time. The excitement is unbearable.